Siebel Field Service Guide > Shipping and Receiving >

About Shipping Orders

You can ship products to a customer or to another inventory location for your service business. The replenishment process can initiate internal shipments.

Shipping activities focus on the pick ticket and the waybill. The pick ticket includes detailed information about the products required to fill orders. The waybill includes data related to the shipment, normally accompanies with the shipment, and connects shipping and receiving.

Process Flow for Shipping

Shipping begins when fulfillment ends and a pick ticket is generated. Figure 23 shows the process flow for shipping.

Figure 23. Process Flow for Shipping

The process flow for shipping includes the following steps:

  1. Get the pick ticket.
  2. Pick the products.
  3. Update the pick ticket with the products that you ship.
  4. Select a carrier, and update the waybill.
  5. Process the shipment.

Processing Logic for Shipments

The Process Shipment button is located in the Pick Ticket form of the Shipping screen. (To see this button, navigate to the Shipping screen, then the Shipments view, and drill down on the Pick Ticket field for a selected pick ticket.) Clicking this button generates following actions:

  1. Examines all the records for allocated lines (in the S_ORDPART_MVMT table) for the selected pick ticket, and validates the Ship transaction for each allocated line. If a single validation constraint (for example, Product, Source Inventory Location, Source Availability, or Source Status) fails, then the entire transaction rolls back.
  2. For each shipped record for an allocated line, generates an inventory transaction with a Ship type and another inventory transaction with a De-Allocate type. Inventory transactions (for example, Ship Internal or Ship Other) are generated by using the order type of the pick ticket. For more information about these inventory transactions, see Table 30.
  3. If the shipped quantity is less than the allocated quantity, then inserts a De-Allocate action for the line for any extra quantity and generates an inventory transaction with a De-Allocate type. This transaction is in addition to the De-Allocate transaction in Step 2.
  4. Checks whether the Auto-Receive check box is selected in the Fulfillment view in the List view of the Service Orders screen. The Auto-Receive check box applies to internal orders, and (if selected) automatically generates received line items and processes the receipt for the trunk inventory location of a field service engineer. For an internal order with a Trunk type for the inventory location of the destination, this check box is automatically is selected.

    If this check box is selected, then generates the received line items for the processed shipped line items, and processes the receipt of the order. For more information about the processing logic for receipts, see About Receiving Orders.

NOTE:  Step 2 and Step 3 are independent processes, so they generate separate De-Allocate transactions. These separate transactions facilitate auditing.

Pick Tickets and Orders

Pick tickets and orders have the following relationship:

  1. Orders include 1 or more line items.
  2. Order line items can include 1 or more actions (records) in the Siebel database.
  3. One or more actions (with a value of Allocate in the Type field) can have 1 pick ticket.

Although Order ID and Order Item ID do not appear in the Pick Tickets view, these values are located in the Siebel database. S_SHIPMENT_ID and S_ORDER_ITEM_ID are located in the S_ORDPART_MVMT table. S_ORDER_ID is located in the S_ORDER_ITEM table.

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