Siebel Global Deployment Guide > Localizing Global Deployments > Localizing an Unshipped Language >

Creating New Language Subdirectories and Copying Language-Specific Files

This topic is part of Localizing an Unshipped Language.

When you are localizing an unshipped language, you create new language subdirectories to use for the unshipped language. You also copy language-specific files so you can use the copied files with the unshipped language.

If you localize the user interface and optionally MLOV values or other seed data into Norwegian (NOR), then you would set the Language Code parameter to NOR. However, resource library files located in language-specific subdirectories are not provided in Norwegian for Siebel Business Applications and cannot be localized into Norwegian. For this reason, you would set the OM - Resource Language Code parameter to DEU or ENU in order to use resource libraries from subdirectories for DEU or ENU. For more information, see About Parameters for Language and Locale.

You create language subdirectories on the Siebel Server, on the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), and on the Siebel Mobile Web Client, as described in the following tasks. The directory names that you use must correspond to the language code that you specified in Creating Language and Locale Records.

NOTE:  Follow-up tasks might be required after performing the tasks in this section. For example, if the original configuration files or SRF files that you copied are updated later, you might have to recopy the original files or make similar updates in copied files such as configuration files.

Table 12 explains the language placeholders that are referred to in the procedures in this task and in the remaining tasks listed in Process of Localizing an Unshipped Language.

Table 12. Language Placeholders Used in This Guide


The unshipped language that you are localizing, for example, NOR (Norwegian).


The base language of the application: for example, DEU (German) or ENU (U.S. English). In some cases, you copy files from language directories for the shipped language YYY into new directories for the unshipped language XXX. Sometimes you update the names of copied files to include XXX instead of YYY.

NOTE:  Alternatively, you can copy files from some other shipped language to the unshipped language that you are localizing, instead of copying them from the base language. For example, perhaps ENU (U.S. English) is the base language, but you choose to copy DEU files instead of ENU files.

Related Book

Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using

Creating Language Subdirectories and Copying Language-Specific Files for an Unshipped Language on the Siebel Server

Use the following procedure to create language subdirectories and copy language-specific files for an unshipped language on the Siebel Server.

To create language subdirectories and copy language-specific files for an unshipped language on the Siebel Server

  1. On the Siebel Server computer, create a new language subdirectory XXX under SIEBSRVR_ROOT\objects, where XXX is the unshipped language that you are localizing, such as NOR for the example unshipped language, Norwegian.
  2. Copy the contents of SIEBSRVR_ROOT\objects\YYY into directory XXX, where YYY is the shipped base Siebel language, such as DEU for German.

    NOTE:  Because you have copied the SRF file for another language, the Siebel application user interface will display in language YYY unless or until you compile a new SRF for the new (unshipped) language XXX.

  3. Create a new language subdirectory XXX under SIEBSRVR_ROOT\bin. Copy the configuration files from SIEBSRVR_ROOT\bin\YYY into SIEBSRVR_ROOT\bin\XXX. The configuration files (that is, the CFG files such as uagent.cfg for Siebel Call Center) will be used by the Application Object Managers that you will create for new language XXX.

    Also copy all of the binary files (that is, the library files in the bin\YYY directory) to the target directory, along with the configuration files.

    NOTE:  After completing the localization tasks, you must recopy the files from bin\YYY to bin\XXX after each time that you install a Siebel patchset release for the Siebel Server, to keep your localized product up to date. For more information about installing patchset releases, see Siebel Patchset Installation Guide for Siebel CRM, 1614310.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. See also the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

  4. Create a new language subdirectory XXXSIA (such as NORSIA, for the example unshipped language, Norwegian) under SIEBSRVR_ROOT\bin. Copy the contents of YYYSIA (such as DEUSIA or ENUSIA) into directory XXX.

    NOTE:  After completing the localization tasks, you must recopy the files from YYYSIA to XXXSIA after each time that you install a Siebel patchset release for the Siebel Server, to keep your localized product up to date.

  5. Create a new language subdirectory XXX under SIEBSRVR_ROOT\msgtmpl. Copy the contents of SIEBSRVR_ROOT\msgtmpl\YYY into directory XXX.
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Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using

Configuring Siebel Business Applications

Creating Language Subdirectories and Copying Language-Specific Files for an Unshipped Language on the SWSE

Use the following procedure to create language subdirectories and copy language-specific files for an unshipped language on the SWSE.

To create language subdirectories and copy language-specific files for an unshipped language on the SWSE

  1. On the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) computer, create a new language subdirectory XXX under SWSE_ROOT\public, where XXX is the unshipped language that you are localizing, such as NOR for Norwegian. Then copy the directory SWSE_ROOT\public\YYY\help into directory SWSE_ROOT\public\XXX. Update these files for language XXX, as appropriate for your deployment.
  2. In SWSE_ROOT\public\scripts, copy the file swemessages_yyy.js (in the same directory) and rename the copy swemessages_xxx.js, such as swemessages_nor.js for Norwegian.

    NOTE:  After completing the localization tasks, you must recopy the file swemessages_yyy.js after each time that you install a Siebel patchset release for the SWSE, and then rename the file again, as described, to keep your localized product up to date. For more information about installing patchset releases, see Siebel Patchset Installation Guide for Siebel CRM, 1614310.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. See also the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

  3. Similar to what you did in Step 2, identify any other language-specific files, then copy the files and rename the copies to refer to new language XXX instead of existing language YYY.
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Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using

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Creating Language Subdirectories and Copying Language-Specific Files for an Unshipped Language on the Siebel Mobile Web Client

Use the following procedure to create language subdirectories and copy language-specific files for an unshipped language on the Siebel Mobile Web Client.

To create language subdirectories and copy language-specific files for an unshipped language on a Siebel Mobile Web Client

  1. On a Siebel Mobile Web Client computer, create a new language subdirectory XXX under SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\objects, where XXX is the unshipped language that you are localizing, such as NOR for Norwegian.
  2. Copy the contents of SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\objects\YYY into directory XXX, where YYY is the shipped base Siebel language, such as DEU for German.

    NOTE:  Because you have copied the SRF file for another language, the Siebel application user interface will display data in language YYY unless or until you compile a new SRF for unshipped language XXX.

  3. Create a new language subdirectory XXX under SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\bin. Copy the configuration files from SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\bin\YYY into directory XXX. The configuration files (CFG files such as uagent.cfg for Siebel Call Center) will be used by the application for language XXX.

    Also copy all of the binary files (that is, the library files in the bin\YYY directory) to the target directory, along with the configuration files.

    NOTE:  After completing the localization tasks, you must recopy the files from the bin\YYY directory after each time that you install a Siebel patchset release for the Siebel client, to keep your localized product up to date. For more information about installing patchset releases, see Siebel Patchset Installation Guide for Siebel CRM, 1614310.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. See also the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

  4. Create a new language subdirectory XXXSIA (such as NORSIA) under SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\bin. Copy the contents of YYYSIA (such as DEUSIA or ENUSIA) into directory XXX.

    NOTE:  After completing the localization tasks, you must recopy the files from YYYSIA to XXXSIA after each time that you install a patchset release for the Siebel client, to keep your localized product up to date.

  5. Create a new language subdirectory XXX under SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\msgtmpl. Copy the contents of SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\msgtmpl\YYY into directory XXX.
  6. Create a new language subdirectory XXX under SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\public, where XXX is the unshipped language that you are localizing, such as NOR for Norwegian. Then copy the contents of SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\public\YYY\help into directory SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\public\XXX\help. Update these files for language XXX, as appropriate for your deployment.
  7. In SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\public\scripts, copy the file swemessages_yyy.js (in the same directory) and rename the copy swemessages_xxx.js, such as swemessages_nor.js for Norwegian.

    NOTE:  After completing the localization tasks, you must recopy the file swemessages_yyy.js and then rename the file again, as described, after each time that you install a Siebel patchset release for the Siebel client, to keep your localized product up to date.

  8. Similar to what you did in Step 7, identify any other language-specific files, then copy the files and rename the copies to refer to new language XXX instead of existing language YYY.
Related Book

Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using

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