Siebel Marketing User Guide > Creating and Using Offers and Treatments > Process of Working with Email Treatments >

Editing Treatments

After you add a template to a treatment, you can edit it in the following ways:

  • Edit a template in the edit treatment screen. Make changes to your treatment using the text editor or the CKEditor HTML editor provided with Siebel Marketing. In the Edit Email view, select a template to modify. The template appears for editing at the bottom of the page.

    If you created your template as an HTML file, then you can use the HTML editor to render the HTML source (tags and text) and to modify the rendered HTML. If you created your template as a text file, then a text editor displays the treatment contents for editing. Preview the email to verify the treatment's syntax, including merge fields and embedded objects.

  • Modify a template using a third-party HTML editor. If you have to make edits that are not possible in the HTML editor provided with Siebel Marketing, then you can modify the template using a third-party HTML editor. Examples of third-party editors are Adobe GoLive and Macromedia Dreamweaver. For more information, see Editing a Template Using a Third-party Default HTML Editor.

This task is a step in Process of Working with Email Treatments.

Editing Email Treatments

The following procedure describes how to edit an email treatment.

To edit an email treatment

  1. Navigate to the Offers screen, then the Email Treatments view.
  2. In the Email Treatments list, select an email treatment.
  3. In the Edit Email tab, select a template to change.

    One of the following editors starts:

    • Text editor. You use this tool to make simple changes to the text. The text editor starts by default, if the selected template is a text (.txt) file.
    • HTML Editor. You can use this tool to make more complex changes than you can make in a text editor. The CKEditor HTML editor starts by default if the selected template is an HTML file (HTM or HTML file extension). For more detail, see Using the Siebel Marketing CKEditor HTML Editor.
  4. To embed a personalization item such as a Response Form or Trackable URL, perform the following steps:
    1. Locate the position in the treatment text where the personalization item is to appear.
    2. In the Categories drop-down menu, choose one of the available personalization categories, for example, Events, Merge Fields, or Social URLs.

      The available elements for the selected category appear in the personalization Items menu. For more information about personalization categories, see About Using Personalization Categories When Editing Treatments.

    3. In the Items menu, choose a personalization item and click the Insert button.
  5. When you finish making changes, click Save Template.
  6. Repeat Step 3 through Step 5 to continue editing the template.
  7. To preview your changes and verify that the template still performs correctly, click the Verify & Preview button.

    If your administrator has configured the Email Marketing Server to integrate with Apache SpamAssassin, then clicking the Verify & Preview button also generates spam scores for the email. A spam score for an email indicates the likelihood of the email being classified as spam and being rejected by a recipient's spam filters.

    If the email generates a high spam score, modify the email content until it passes the spam scoring test. For additional information, see Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide.

Using the Siebel Marketing CKEditor HTML Editor

You can use CKEditor, the HTML editor provided with Siebel Marketing, to make changes to your HTML template. To make more complex changes than are possible in CKEditor, see Editing a Template Using a Third-party Default HTML Editor.

CKEditor supports the following features:

  • Alignment options: left, center, and right
  • Alt-tag support
  • Bold, italic, and underline
  • Bulleted List
  • Clip art support
  • Copy, cut, and paste
  • Fonts (typeface, size, style)
  • Find and replace
  • Graphic and Flash support
  • HTML formatting characters such as: NBSP (non-breaking space)
  • HTML source view
  • Hyperlinks
  • If-Then-Else conditional statements
  • Indents
  • MS Office document integration
  • Numbered Lists
  • Personalization support (events, merge fields, response forms, Web surveys, Web treatments, trackable URLs, social sharing URLs, dynamic URLs, product catalog items)
  • Preview support
  • Spelling checker
  • Styles
  • Tables
  • Undo and redo

NOTE:  To enable image map support, download and install the Image Map plug-in for CKEditor. The Image Map plug-in allows you to create and edit image maps in CKEditor. For additional information, go to the CKEditor Web site at

To make changes using the HTML editor, enter your changes directly in the workspace. You can also use the editing toolbar in the Template Contents workspace for formatting text. Most of the buttons on the toolbar are the same buttons that appear in the standard CKEditor software.

NOTE:  To add a custom header to an email template, add a command like the following: $(Header "X-header-name" "value").

Adding Graphics to HTML Email Treatments

The following procedure describes how to add a new graphic to an email treatment using the HTML editor.

To add a graphic to an HTML email treatment

  1. Navigate to the Offers screen, and from the link bar select Email Treatments.
  2. In the Email Treatments list, select a treatment, and click the Edit Email tab.
  3. In the HTML editor workspace, place your cursor at the location where you want to insert the graphic.
  4. On the HTML editor toolbar, click the Image icon.
  5. In the dialog box, do one of the following:
    • Enter the URL of the image and click OK.
    • Browse for an image on the local server or on a remote server by clicking the Browse Server button.
  6. If you chose to browse for the image file in Step 5, then do one of the following:
    • To insert an image that already exists on the Web server where the CKEditor file manager is located, double-click the image file from the list of files displayed.
    • To upload an image file to the server and then insert the image to the treatment, click the Browse button to locate the file, then click the Upload button. The image file is uploaded to the server. You can insert the image into the treatment by double-clicking it.

      You can create a new directory on the server into which the uploaded image is saved by clicking the Create New Folder button and entering a folder name before you upload the file. A new directory is created on the server with the name specified and when you upload the file, it is stored in the new directory.

  7. After selecting an image to edit, a thumbnail rendition of the graphic appears in the Preview window of the Image Properties dialog box.

    Adjust the picture dimensions if necessary, and then click OK. The image is inserted in the HTML editor.

  8. Click the Save Template button.

NOTE:  You can also copy and paste images directly from your local computer into the HTML editor.

Editing a Template Using a Third-party Default HTML Editor

If you prefer to use a third-party HTML editor over the CKEditor HTML editor provided with Siebel Marketing, then you can do so using the following procedure.

To edit a template file using your default HTML editor

  1. Navigate to the Offers screen and, from the link bar, select the type of treatment.
  2. In the Treatments list, select a treatment, and click the Edit Email or Edit Web Treatment tab.
  3. For email treatments, select the HTML template in the list between the Treatments form and the Editor.
  4. In the HTML Editor toolbar, click the Source icon.
  5. Copy all the text in the workspace to your third-party HTML editor.
  6. In the third-party HTML editor, make changes to the template.
  7. Paste the changed template source text back into the HTML editor.
  8. In the Edit Email list, associate the HTML file with a treatment.
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