Siebel Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types Reference > Link Object Type >


A link specifies the relationship between two business components. The relationship can be one-to-many (1:M), such as parent and child, or many-to-many (M:M). For more information about links, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

This object type occurs in the following location in the object hierarchy:

  • Siebel Objects > Link

Table Table 146 describes properties that Siebel CRM uses with a link.

Table 146. Properties of the Link

Cascade Delete (O)

For more information, see Setting the Cascade Delete Property of a Link.

Child Business Component (R)

Specifies the name of a business component. The business component that the Parent Business Component property specifies determines the data for the business component that the Child Business Component property specifies.

Destination Field (R)

Specifies the name of a field in the child business component that Siebel CRM uses to logically join to the parent business component. The Destination Field property is required for a 1:M link.

Inter Child Column (R)

Specifies the name of a column in the intersection table that links this table to the child business component. The name is case-sensitive. It must use the same format that it uses in the Siebel database. The Inter Child Column property is required for a M:M link.

Inter Child Delete (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM deletes the association and the child record.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM deletes only the association for the child record. You use FALSE only with a M:M link.

Inter Parent Column (R)

Specifies the name of a column in the intersection table that links this table to the parent business component. The name is case-sensitive. It must use the same format that it uses in the Siebel database. The Inter Parent Column property is required for a M:M link.

Inter Table (R)

Specifies the name of the intersection table. The name is case-sensitive. It must use the same format that it uses in the Siebel database. The Inter Table property is required for a M:M link.

Name (R)

Specifies the name for the link. The name can contain spaces and must be unique among links. Other objects use this name to reference this link. Siebel CRM manages this property. It uses the following format:

parent business component name/child business component name

For example:

Account/Account Contact

Note the following:

  • You must not modify the value in the Name property unless necessary.
  • You must not use the Calendar business component as the master or detail business component in a link.

No Associate (O)

If TRUE, then Siebel CRM cannot create a new association through the link. It can add new detail records. It does not display the association applet when it creates a new record for the child in a M:M relationship. It requires the user to enter a new record. It does not allow the user to associate this new record to an existing record.

If the current view uses Admin Mode, then Siebel CRM ignores this property.

You specify the No Associate property only for a M:M link.

No Delete (O)

If TRUE, then Siebel CRM does not delete child records through this link.

No Insert (O)

If TRUE, then Siebel CRM does not create new child records through this link. You specify the No Insert property only for a 1:M link. For more information, see the No Associate property for this object type.

No Inter Delete (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM never deletes intersection table records.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM deletes intersection table records if it deletes a parent or a child record.

The No Inter Delete property applies only to a M:M relationship.

No Update (O)

If TRUE, then Siebel CRM does not update child records through this link.

Parent Business Component (R)

Specifies the name of the business component whose data determines the records that the child business component gets. The Child Business Component property of this link specifies this child business component.

Primary Id Field (O)

Specifies the name of the field in the master business component that contains the row ID values that reference the primary records in the detail business component.

Search Specification (O)

Specifies an expression that Siebel CRM uses to filter the records it gets. If the link is active, then it applies this filter to the child business component.

Sort Spec (O)

Specifies an expression that Siebel CRM uses in an association list to order the detail records that it gets. You use the Sort Spec property only for a M:M link.

Source Field (O)

Specifies the name of a field in the parent business component that Siebel CRM uses to link to the child business component. This source field is a unique identifier for rows that exist in the parent business component. It is typically the field that maps to the ROW_ID column in the table that the parent business component references and that possesses the name Id.

Siebel CRM does not display this field in the Fields list in the Object List Editor for the business component. The Id field displays only in the dropdown list for some properties, such as the Source Field property in some object types, such as the link.

The default value for the Source Field property is Id. If this property is empty, then Siebel CRM uses Id.

Visibility Auto All (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. The user can access all views and can view all records in the child business component.
  • FALSE. The Visibility Type property of this link determines visibility.

Visibility Rule Applied (O)

Specifies how Siebel CRM applies visibility rules in a view that uses this link. Visibility settings in a view apply to the applet that the Visibility Applet property specifies. If a master-detail relationship exists between this applet and an applet that displays detail records, then you can use the Visibility Rule Applied property to allow the user to view detail records that the user cannot normally view because of visibility rules. The user cannot drill down to view the entire record.

You can use one of the following values. Siebel CRM does the following if the current master-detail view references this link:

  • Always. Allow visibility rules in the detail records even though the Visibility Applet and Visibility Applet Type properties of this view do not use the active visibility.
  • Never. Disable visibility rules in the detail records.

Visibility Type (O)

Specifies the visibility type if the business component displays as a child in the given link. For more information, see the description of the Visibility Auto All property for this link.

Setting the Cascade Delete Property of a Link

the Cascade Delete property of a link specifies the action that Siebel CRM performs on detail business component records of the link if Siebel CRM deletes the master. You can use one of the following values:

  • CLEAR. Siebel CRM removes the foreign key reference.
  • DELETE. Siebel CRM deletes the child record.
  • NONE. Siebel CRM performs no operations on the child record.

You must set the Cascade Delete property to CLEAR in the following situations:

  • The child business component in this link is also a child business component in another link.
  • Another business component references the same table that a child business component references, and this other business component is the child business component in another link. For example, assume the following links exist:
    • Contact/Action
    • Contact/Activity Plan

      Action and Activity Plan reference the same table. You must make sure Cascade Delete is CLEAR for each link.

Do not set the Cascade Delete property to NONE for a many-to-many link. Siebel CRM deletes the intersection record for a many-to-many link but does not delete the child record. This child record might have other parents.

If multiple links exist that reference the same tables, then you must make sure that you set the Cascade Delete property consistently among all of these links. If Siebel CRM deletes a record that is a foreign key of another table, then it might or might not delete these references. If it does not delete these references, then row IDs might reference nonexistent records. Siebel CRM might convert these foreign keys to No Match Row Id for a multivalue group.

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