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A control defines an element in an applet, such as a text box, check box, or button. You can add user properties to a control.

This object type occurs in the following location in the object hierarchy:

  • Siebel Objects > Applet > Control

Table 22 describes properties for the control object. For more information about controls, see the topic on field data types in Configuring Siebel Business Applications. For information about user properties, see Siebel Developer's Reference.

Table 22. Properties of the Control

ActiveX Bind Property (O)(H)

Specifies the name of a property of an ActiveX control. To bind a field to an ActiveX control, you must also specify the name of this field in the Field property of this control object. This field must reside in the business component that the applet references. Siebel CRM does the following:

  • If Siebel CRM modifies the property value of the ActiveX control, then it saves this value in this field in the current business component record.
  • If Siebel CRM modifies the field value, then it saves this value in the property of the ActiveX control.

This property applies to an ActiveX control.

ActiveX Properties (O)(H)

Includes a compressed version of the ActiveX properties for this control. You do not edit this property. Siebel CRM automatically sets the value that this property contains. To determine this value, it uses values of the ActiveX properties in the Properties window or values of the properties in the property window for the control.

This property applies to an ActiveX control.

Automatic Horizontal Scroll (O)(H)

Enables automatic horizontal scroll. If set to TRUE, and if:

  • The user types a character at the end of the line, then Siebel CRM automatically scrolls text to the right by ten characters.
  • The user presses Enter, then Siebel CRM automatically scrolls all text back to position 0.

This property applies only to a TextBox control.

Automatic Vertical Scroll (O)(H)

Enables automatic vertical scroll. If set to TRUE, and if the user presses the ENTER key on the last line, then Siebel CRM automatically scrolls text up one page.

This property applies only to a TextBox control.

Background Color (O)(H)

Specifies a space-separated RGB (red, green, blue) value. You can set the value of the Background Color property to for a Label, Image, or PushButton control to one of the following values:

  • Transparent. Makes the control transparent.
  • A value other than Transparent. Makes these controls opaque.

Siebel CRM only sets the area under the caption to the color that the Background Color property specifies for a Group control.

This property applies to the following types of controls:

  • Textbox
  • Label
  • PushButton
  • ComboBox
  • Group

Bitmap (O)(H)

Specifies a bitmap from the Control Icons bitmap category that Siebel CRM uses for the image control. This value applies to static image controls that do not reference a field in the current record.

This property applies to an Image control.

Caption (O)

Specifies headers for list applet columns, field prompts, and link names. You can set this property to a bitmap that resides in the Button Icons bitmap category.

For a list applet, Siebel CRM uses the value that the Caption control property contains in the following ways:

  • To create the sortable list header. The ListHeader property of the swe:control tag determines this header.
  • To determine a field prompt. The DisplayName property of the swe:control tag determines this prompt.

If a control calls a method, then Siebel CRM uses the value in the Caption property as the link name or button label. The FormattedHtml property of the swe:control tag determines this name or label.

Class (O)

Specifies the name of the C++ class that this control references. This property applies only to a Java control or an ActiveX control.

Content Fixup Name (O)

Specifies a name that determines how Siebel CRM fixes links and images in the HTML page:

  • The Siebel Server for a Siebel Business Application. Siebel CRM fixes links and images.
  • The client browser fixes links and images.

For more information, see Siebel Portal Framework Guide.

Default Button (O)(H)

Not used. This property applies only to a PushButton control.

Detail Applet (O)

Specifies the name of the pop-up applet that Siebel CRM uses to display data from fields in the business component. This property applies only to a TextBox control or a PushButton control.

Display Format (O)

Specifies the format that Siebel CRM uses to display data for this control. This property applies only to a TextBox control.

Field (O)

Specifies the business component field or applet message that provides the data that this control displays. This property applies to the following types of controls:

  • TextBox
  • CheckBox
  • ImageControl

Field Retrieval Type (O)

Specifies the type of field data. You can use one of the following values:

  • Field Data. Rich content HTML.
  • Service.
  • Symbolic URL. Specially constructed URL that integrates data from the Siebel database and the external content service.
  • URL. Standard reference to a Web page.
  • Empty. Siebel CRM encloses the field value with a SPAN tag.
  • HTML Attachment. Obsolete. Do not use.

Field Type (O)

Specifies to display data from a business component field or an applet message. Siebel Tools automatically sets this property when you set the Field property.

Foreground Color (O)(H)

Specifies an RGB value. You use an empty space to separate each number in this value.

This property applies to the following types of controls:

  • Textbox
  • Label
  • PushButton
  • CheckBox
  • ComboBox
  • Group

Group (O)(H)

Not used.

Height - Language Override (O)(H)

Specifies the height of the control in pixels if a language or locale is active.

Height (O)(H)

Specifies the height of the control in pixels. You can set this property to a number that is greater than or equal to 0. The default value is 10. This property applies to all controls.

HTML Attributes (O)

Specifies to add HTML tag attributes to the HTML tags that the Standard Interactivity client creates when it displays the control.

For example, If you set the HTML Attributes property to size=30 for a text box, then the client creates the following tag:

<input type = text size=30 . . .>

HTML Bitmap (O)

Specifies a Bitmap object that resides in the HTML Control Icons bitmap category. If the HTML Disabled Bitmap property is:

  • Empty. Siebel CRM uses the image that the HTML Bitmap property references.
  • Not empty. Siebel CRM uses the image that the HTML Bitmap property references only if the control is in an enabled state.

HTML Default Control (O)(H)

Not used.

HTML Disabled Bitmap (O)

Specifies the image to use instead of the image that the HTML Bitmap property references if the control is in a disabled state.

HTML Display Mode (O)

Specifies how to display the field value. To support an applet message, you must set this property to FormatData. This configuration allows Siebel CRM to use newlines and spaces in the applet message. You can use one of the following values:

  • EncodeData. Siebel CRM encodes any HTML reserved characters that the field value contains before it displays these characters. Each of the following symbols is an example of an HTML reserved character:
    • < (less than symbol)
    • > (greater than symbol)
    • & (ampersand)
    • and so on

      It is recommended that you set the HTML Display Mode to EncodeData for security purposes. For more information about setting this property, see Siebel Security Hardening Guide.

  • FormatData. Siebel CRM formats text that the user enters. For example, assume the user enters text that includes new lines and tabs in the description field of a service request. Assume you set the HTML Display Mode property to one of the following values:
    • FormatData. Siebel CRM formats the text that the user enters in HTML so that it uses the same format that the user enters.
    • Not set to FormatData. Siebel CRM does not format the text that the user enters. It displays the entire text string that the user enters on one line.

HTML Height (O)

Specifies the height of the control in pixels.

You typically do not modify this property manually. Siebel Tools sets it automatically if you edit an applet layout in a Siebel Tools layout editor.

If you use a TextArea field that spans multiple fields, then to accommodate the buffer between the fields of a grid form, it might be necessary for you to add 2 pixels for each row. For example, consider the TextArea field that the Description control of the Service Request Detail Applet references. This field spans three rows of single-row fields. To align the bottom of this field with other fields, such as Home Phone#, you must increase the value in the HTML Height property an additional 2 pixels for every row of fields that the TextArea field spans, not including the first row. In this situation, the Description control spans three rows of fields. You increase the HTML Height property to 2 rows multiplied by 2 pixels for a total of 4 pixels. You modify the original HTML Height of 72 pixels to 76 pixels.

This property applies to the following types of controls:

  • Java applet
  • ActiveX
  • Input type controls

HTML Height - Language Override (O)

Specifies the height of the control in pixels if a language or locale is active.

HTML Icon Map (O)

Specifies to map field values to icons as defined in the icon map.

HTML Max Chars Displayed (O)

Specifies the maximum number of characters that Siebel CRM displays in a control.

This property applies only if the parent applet is in Base mode or if the control is read-only. It does not limit the number of characters that the user can enter into a text control in edit mode.

HTML Max Chars Displayed - Language Override (O)

Specifies the maximum number of characters that Siebel CRM displays in a control if a language or locale is active.

HTML Only (O)

Specifies to use the control only in the Siebel Web Client. You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Use this control only in the Siebel Web Client.
  • FALSE. Use this control in any client.

HTML Row Sensitive (O)

Specifies to position the applet. You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Position the applet on the current record before calling the method that the Method Invoked property references.
  • FALSE. Do not position the applet.

The following methods are examples that require you to set the HTML Row Sensitive property to TRUE:

  • EditRecord
  • DeleteRecord
  • Drilldown

HTML Sequence (O)

Specifies the order that Siebel CRM uses to position this control relative to other controls that it displays in the applet in the Siebel Web Client.

HTML Sequence - Language Override (O)

Specifies the HTML sequence if a language or locale is active.

HTML Type (O)

Specifies how to display the control. If the HTML Type property is empty, then Siebel CRM uses the Type property.

If your configuration requires an applet message, then you must set this property to Plain Text so that Siebel CRM wraps long text in the applet message.

HTML Width (O)

Specifies the width of the control in pixels in the Siebel Web Client. The maximum value is 2048. This property applies to the following types of controls:

  • Java applet
  • ActiveX
  • Input type controls

HTML Width - Language Override (O)

Specifies the HTML width if a language or locale is active.

Left - Language Override (O)(H)

Specifies the left coordinate of a control if a language or locale is active.

Left (O)(H)

Specifies the left coordinate of this control in pixels. This property applies to all controls. You can enter a number that is greater than or equal to 0.

Left Text (O)(H)

If this property is TRUE, then Siebel CRM places text on the left side of the control. This property applies only to a CheckBox control.

MethodInvoked (O)

Specifies the method that Siebel CRM calls if the user clicks a button control. If the control type is not PushButton, then Siebel CRM ignores this property.

The method that is available for a button control depends on the class that the applet references and the class that the business component references. The following methods are available for the CSSFrameList applet class and the CSSFrame applet class:

  • NewRecord
  • DeleteRecord
  • CopyRecord
  • UndoRecord

You must use other methods only with caution. For more information, see Configuring the MethodInvoked Property of a Control and Siebel Developer's Reference.

This property applies only to a PushButton control.

Multi Line (O)(H)

Specifies a multiple-line TextBox control. You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Allows a multiple-line TextBox.
  • FALSE. Does not allow a multiple-line TextBox.

Scrolling depends on the following value of the Automatic Vertical Scroll style:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM displays the control for as many lines as possible. If the user presses Enter, then it scrolls vertically.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM displays the control for as many lines as possible. If it cannot display any more lines, and if the user presses the Enter key, then it beeps. If the Automatic Horizontal Scroll style is TRUE, and if the cursor goes past the right edge of the control, then multiple-line control automatically scrolls horizontally.

To start a new line, the user must press the ENTER key. If Automatic Horizontal Scroll is FALSE, then Siebel CRM automatically wraps the control words to the beginning of the next line, if necessary. If the user presses the ENTER key, then Siebel CRM starts a new line. The window size determines the text position. If the user modifies the window size, then Siebel CRM displays the text again.

If a TextBox control:

  • Includes scroll bars. It processes its own scroll bar messages.
  • Does not include scroll bars. It processes any scroll messages that the parent window sends.

The default value is single line.

This property applies only to a TextBox control.

MVG Applet (O)

Specifies the applet that Siebel CRM uses for a pop-up multivalue group if the field that the control references is a multivalue field and if the Runtime property of this control is TRUE.

This property applies only to a TextBox control.

Name (R)

Specifies the name of the control. This property applies to all controls.

Owner Draw (O)(H)

If TRUE, then Siebel CRM displays the bitmap that the Caption property references. It displays this bitmap on the button. This property applies only to a PushButton control.

Pick Applet (O)

Specifies the applet that Siebel CRM uses for the pop-up picklist if you specify a picklist for the field that the control references and if the Runtime property of this control is TRUE.

This property applies only to a TextBox control.

Prompt (O)

Not used. This property applies only to a TextBox control.

Prompt Text (O)

For more information, see Configuring the Prompt Text Property of a Control or List Column.

Read Only (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. The user cannot edit the control.
  • FALSE. The user can edit the control.

If the Read Only property of the field that this control references is TRUE, then this control is also read-only even if the Read Only property of this control is FALSE.

This property applies only to a TextBox control.

Runtime (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM displays a pop-up button for a picklist, calculator, calendar, or multivalue group at run time.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM does not display a pop-up button.

This property applies only to a TextBox control.

Sequence - Language Override (O)(H)

Specifies the order that Siebel CRM uses to display this control relative to other controls in the applet if a language or locale is active.

Sequence (O)(H)

Specifies the order that Siebel CRM uses to display this control relative to other controls in the applet. You can use a number that is greater than or equal to 1.

This property applies to all controls.

Show Popup (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM opens a new browser window before it calls the method.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM calls the method in the current browser window.

You must not set the Show Popup property to TRUE in the following situations:

  • A script uses the GotoView application object method.
  • Siebel CRM uses TheApplication.GotoView. In this situation, it opens the view in a new browser window. The client does not support Multiple Document Interface (MDI). Siebel CRM does not support this configuration.

Sort (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM automatically sorts strings that the user enters in the control.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM does not automatically sort strings that the user enters in the control.

This property applies only to a ComboBox control.

Tab Stop (O)(H)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Allow the user to use the TAB key to navigate to the next control that the Sequence property specifies.
  • FALSE. Do not allow the user to use the TAB key.

This property applies to all controls.

Target View Frame (O)

Specifies the HTML page that Siebel CRM loads into the frame if the user clicks a control that calls a method.

You can use one of the following values:

  • Self. Open the frame that contains the applet control.
  • Blank. Open a new full feature window.
  • Others. Open some other frame.

This property applies to a Siebel Web Client control.

Text Alignment (O)

Specifies how to align the text in the control. To view the values you can use, click the Text Alignment property in Siebel Tools. This property applies only to a TextBox control or a
Label control.

Text Alignment - Language Override (O)

Specifies how to align the text in the control if a language or locale is active. For more information, see the description for the Text-Alignment Label property.

Text Alignment-Label - Language Override (O)

Specifies how to align the text of a control label on a form applet if a language or locale is active. This alignment occurs automatically for a locale that the user reads from right to left, such as Japanese.

Text Style (O)(H)

Specifies the text style that Siebel CRM uses to display this control. The Text Style object type determines the font type and font style. For more information, see Text Style (H).

This property applies to the following types of controls:

  • CheckBox
  • ComboBox
  • Group
  • Label
  • PushButton
  • TextBox

Text-Alignment Label (O)

Specifies how to align the text of a control label on a form applet. To view the values you can use, click the Text-Alignment Label property in Siebel Tools.

For example, a field and a field label in a grid form applet are separate applet web template items that each reference the same control. To place a label to the left of a field, you do the following:

  • Set the Text-Alignment Label property for the control that includes the label text to Right.
  • Set the Text-Alignment Label property for the control that includes the field text to Left.

Tooltip Text (O)(H)

Obsolete. Do not use. This property applies to a Button control.


Top - Language Override (O)(H)

Specifies the order that Siebel CRM uses to display controls if a language or locale is active.

Top (O)(H)

Specifies the top coordinate of this control in pixels. The top coordinate of the applet is 0. You can specify a number that is greater than or equal to 0. This property applies to all controls.

Type (O)(H)

Specifies the control type. To view the values you can use, click the Type property in Siebel Tools. This property applies to all controls.

Vertical Scroll (O)(H)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM displays a vertical scroll bar in the control.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM does not display a vertical scroll bar in the control.

This property applies only to a ComboBox control or a TextBox control.

Visible (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM displays the control in the client.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM does not display the control in the client.

This property applies to all controls.

Visible - Language Override (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM displays the control in the client if it uses the language that you specify as the language override.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM does not display the control in the client.

Want Return (O)(H)

If the user presses the ENTER key in a multiple-line TextBox control, and if the Want Return property is:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM inserts a carriage return.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM performs the same logic it performs if the user clicks the default pushbutton for the applet.

This property applies only to a multiple-line TextBox control. It has no effect on a single-line TextBox control.

Width - Language Override (O)(H)

Specifies the order of controls if a language or locale is active.

Width (O)(H)

Specifies the width of the control in pixels. You can specify a number that is greater than or equal to 0. The default value is 40. This property applies to all controls.

Configuring the MethodInvoked Property of a Control

Siebel CRM does the following in an HTML client according to the value of the MethodInvoked property if the client runs in High Interactivity (HI) mode:

  1. The user clicks a button.
  2. The MethodName property of control that this button references control calls an InvokeMethod call in the browser applet class. This class runs in the HTML browser.
  3. A Browser Script on the applet includes a PreInvokeMethod handler that intercepts the method and handles the PreInvokeMethod event.
  4. If Siebel CRM does not handle the InvokeMethod call in the:
    • Browser applet class. It does an InvokeMethod call in the server applet class. The client applet class uses this method to call the server applet unless a specialized client applet exists that handles this method in the client. To handle this method, you can use a WebApplet_PreInvokeMethod script in Siebel VB or Siebel eScript.
    • Server applet class. It forwards the call to the business component that the applet references. This business component resides on the server. To handle this method, you can use a BusComp_PreInvokeMethod script in Siebel VB or Siebel eScript.
  5. If Siebel CRM does not handle the InvokeMethod on the business component that resides on the server, then it returns an error.

Configuring the Prompt Text Property of a Control or List Column

The Prompt Text Property specifies the text that Siebel CRM displays in the status bar of the Browser that displays the client. This property applies only to a form applet or list applet. The Prompt Text field can include a maximum of 250 characters. This maximum value exceeds the space that is available for this text in the Browser status bar. This status bar can display only approximately 127 characters in Internet Explorer version 7.0.

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