Siebel Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types Reference > Toolbar Object Types >

Toolbar Item

A toolbar item associates a command with a toolbar. This association places a toolbar icon on the toolbar. The toolbar item properties determine how Siebel CRM places icons on a toolbar and the order that it uses to place these icons. To override this configuration, the user can use the Customize dialog box in the client. Siebel CRM saves these modifications to a local preferences file.

This object type occurs in the following location in the object hierarchy:

  • Siebel Objects > Toolbar > Toolbar Item

Table 201 describes properties that Siebel CRM uses with a toolbar item.

Table 201. Properties of the Toolbar Item

Command (R)

Specifies the name of the command that specifies the bitmap, method, and target for this toolbar item. To insert a separator between icons, you can include one or more dashes (-) instead of the name of a command.

Display Name (O)

Specifies the text name that Siebel CRM displays for this toolbar item. For example, to represent advanced search, Siebel CRM displays the following text instead of a bitmap image:

Advanced Search

Group (O)

Specifies the group name. If you specify the Group property, then Siebel CRM uses a radio button for each toolbar item that this group contains. The user can choose only one radio button at a time.

HTML Attributes (O)

Reserved for future use.

HTML Type (O)

Specifies the type of control that Siebel CRM displays in the toolbar for this toolbar item.

HTML Width (O)

Specifies the width of this toolbar item in pixels that Siebel CRM displays in the Siebel Web Client.

HTML Width - Language Override (O)

Specifies the width of this toolbar item in pixels that Siebel CRM displays in the Siebel Web Client if a language or locale is active.

Name (R)

Specifies the name of this toolbar item.

Position (O)

Specifies the position of this toolbar item.

Position - Language Override (O)

Specifies the position of this toolbar item if a language or locale is active.

Target View Frame (O)

Specifies the HTML page that Siebel CRM loads into the frame that this property specifies.

Type (R)

Specifies the toolbar item type.

Width (R)

Specifies the width of this toolbar item.

Width - Language Override (O)

Specifies the width of this toolbar item if a language or locale is active.

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