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WF Process Prop

A WF process prop stores values that Siebel CRM uses in a workflow step, input argument, output argument, or to perform an evaluation.

This object type occurs in the following location in the object hierarchy:

Table 244 describes properties that Siebel CRM uses with a WF process property. Siebel Tools also displays these properties as fields in the Multi-Value Property Window. For more information, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

Table 244. Properties of the WF Process Prop

Access Mode

Reserved for future use.

Business Component (O)

Specifies the name of the business component that contains the virtual field that the Virtual Field property specifies.

The drop-down list for this property displays the business components that the business object references. The Business Object property of the workflow process references this object.

Business Object (O)

Specifies the name of the business object that the parent workflow process references. This property is read-only. The drop-down list for this property displays only the business objects that include a primary business component.

Correlator Flag

If TRUE, then this WF process prop works as a correlator, which is business data that identifies the recipient of the incoming message. For more information, see the topic about the Workflow User Event Service business service in Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

Data Type

Specifies the type of data that Siebel CRM can save. You can use one of the following values:

  • Alias. Sets the size limit for a default value, not a run-time value. The default value is 250 characters.
  • Binary. Specifies to use variant or binary information, usually for XML data. You must assign a binary type the None value in the In/Out property.
  • Date. Specifies to use dates.
  • Hierarchy. Specifies to use a data type that Siebel Enterprise Application Integration uses to store data from a property set. For more information, see Overview: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.
  • Integration Object. Specifies to store integration objects. Integration objects use the Hierarchy data type.
  • Number. Specifies to use numeric data. It sets the size limit for the default value, not the run-time value. The default value is 22 digits.
  • String. Specifies to use alphanumeric data, typically for UTF-16 data. It sets the size limit for the default value, not the run-time value. The default value is 250 characters.
  • Strongly Typed Integration Obj. Specifies to use a special data type to display a workflow process as a Siebel inbound web service. Siebel business services use this property when creating WSDLs.

    Siebel CRM treats values in the Strongly Typed Integration Obj property and the Integration Object property as the same data type for a workflow process or for a business service.

Default Date

Specifies the starting value if this WF process prop is a date type.

Default Number

Specifies the starting value if this WF process prop is a numeric type.

Default String

Specifies the starting value if this WF process prop is a string type. You can enter text in this property. If you enter the following value, then Siebel CRM initializes the value of this WF process prop with the value in the Value field of the workflow input property set:


Display Name

Specifies the name that Siebel CRM displays in a view.


Specifies how to send the value that this WF process prop contains. You can use one of the following values:

  • In. Send this value into the workflow process.
  • Out. Send this value out of the workflow process.
  • In/Out. Send this value into and out of the workflow process.
  • None. Use this value only in the workflow process.

If the Data Type property is Binary, then you cannot set the In/Out property to In, Out, or In/Out.

Integration Object

Specifies the data type that Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) uses to save data from an integration object. For example:

Account - Get Oracle Customer (Oracle)


Specifies the name of the process property.

Virtual Field (O)

Specifies the name of the business component field that Siebel CRM maps to the workflow process property. The drop-down list for the Virtual Field property displays business component fields. It displays only calculated fields that do not contain a calculated value. The workflow process does not specify this calculation.

A workflow process does not require you to specify a business component field as a virtual field. An applet can reference a virtual field in the same way that it references a nonvirtual field.

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