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Assignment Attribute

An assignment attribute does the following:

  • Defines an attribute that an assignment criteria can reference.
  • Specifies the picklist that Siebel CRM uses in the Values applet in the Assignment Criteria view that an administrator can use in the client to configure an attribute.
  • Does not directly specify a database column or a combination of database columns. The child assignment attribute column defines a column mapping.

This object type occurs in the following location in the object hierarchy:

Table 47 describes properties that Siebel CRM uses with an assignment attribute.

Table 47. Properties of the Assignment Attribute

Bounded (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. The administrator must choose a value from the picklist.
  • FALSE. The administrator can enter a value that the picklist does not display.

Data Type (R)

Specifies the data type for the assignment attribute. You can use one of the following values:

  • Varchar
  • Number

Name (R)

Specifies the name of the assignment attribute. The value that this property contains must be unique in the repository.

Order By LOV Type (O)

Not used.

Pick Field (O)

Specifies the name of the field that the administrator can choose from the picklist. You can use one of the following values:

  • Created
  • Created By
  • Id
  • Updated
  • Updated By

Picklist (O)

Specifies the name of the picklist that provides the values that populate a list column in the Values applet in the Assignment Criteria view.

Translate Pick Field (O)

Specifies to save the Language Independent Code in the Siebel database or in the display value for the assignment criteria.

Use Range (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Display a pair of list columns that allows an administrator to specify a range of values for assignment criteria attributes.
  • FALSE. Display a single column that requires the administrator to specify a single value for assignment criteria attributes.

For example, the Use Range property of the Revenue assignment attribute is TRUE. It displays two list columns: Revenue Low and Revenue High. It allows the administrator to enter 50000 in the Revenue Low column and 100000 in the Revenue High column to indicate a range of $50,000 through $100,000.

Checking In Assignment Objects

You must check the project that an assignment object references in to the Siebel Server. It is not sufficient to only compile and distribute the SRF file.

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