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Business Component

A business component defines a logical entity that organizes columns from one or more tables into a single entity. It provides a foundation that controls how Siebel CRM chooses, inserts, and updates data in underlying tables. This data is typically specific to a functional area, such as a product, a contact, or an account. An applet references a business component. It does not directly reference the tables. This configuration allows you to reference data according to functional area. It might also separate work that a developer performs from work that an administrator performs.

A virtual business component defines external data. For more information, see Properties of the Field Object Type That Siebel CRM Supports for a Virtual Business Component.

This object type occurs in the following location in the object hierarchy:

  • Siebel Objects > Business Component

Table 58 describes properties that Siebel CRM uses with a business component.

Table 58. Properties of the Business Component

Browser Class (O)(H)

Not used.

Cache Data (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM does the following:
    • If a query runs more than one time on a business component, and if each query uses the same search specification, the Siebel CRM reads business component data only one time for all of these queries.
    • If a query runs more than one time on a business component, and if each query uses a different search specification, then Siebel CRM reads data for each query.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM reads business component data for each query.

For more information, see Configuring the Cache Data Property of a Business Component.

Class (R)

Specifies the name of the class that determines the configuration of the business component. For example, you can use the following value:


Data Source (O)

Allows a business component to use a different name for the configuration file that identifies the data source. This name is different from the name that the Siebel Business Application currently uses. Server or Local are examples of a data source. This configuration allows a business component to get data from a database other than the typical SQL database.

If a business component specifies a data source, then all the tables it implicitly and explicitly joins must reside in the same data source.

If the Data Source property is empty, then Siebel CRM uses the same data source that it uses to start the Siebel Business Application.

Dirty Reads (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. The business component supports database dirty reads.
  • FALSE. The business component does not support database dirty reads.

Siebel CRM uses this property only if it use a Sybase database. If Siebel CRM does not use a Sybase database, then it ignores this property. It is recommended that you modify the default setting of TRUE for this property only to support workflow processes or Enterprise Application Integration (EAI).

If TRUE, then the user can read data that can be modified without their knowledge. This configuration might be desirable in a situation where the data is available for reading and anybody can update it. If dirty reads are not allowed, then nobody can update the data until everybody finishes displaying this data.

If dirty reads are allowed, and if another user does not modify the same record since Siebel CRM last queried this record, then it updates data immediately. For example, if user A updates a record, and if user B is not aware of this update and then attempts to update the same record, then Siebel CRM displays a message to user B that states that the data was updated and the user must requery.

Distinct (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM suppresses system fields. Allows the equivalent of a distinct query because it suppresses system fields, such as Created, Updated, Id, and so.
  • FALSE.Siebel CRM does not suppress system fields.

Enclosure Id Field (O)

Specifies the ID of a recipient of literature, typically the contact ID.

Extension Type (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • JOIN. Siebel CRM joins the extension table and gets the extended data and the other data that it requires.
  • LINK. Siebel CRM uses a separate SQL statement that gets extended data. It uses this property with a Sybase database server because Sybase uses a 2 KB record length limit.

If the Extension Type property is empty, and if Siebel CRM:

  • Uses Sybase. This property defaults to LINK.
  • Does not use Sybase. This property defaults to JOIN.

Force Active (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM gets all fields from the server database. This configuration degrades business component performance. It is not recommended.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM gets only the fields that the client registers or that a specialized business component requests. This configuration improves performance.

GenReassignAct (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. If the business component uses a multivalue group for visibility, and if Siebel CRM modifies the primary team member, then it creates an activity.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM does not create an activity.

Hierarchy Parent Field (O)

Specifies the field that contains the parent data in a hierarchy. It allows Siebel CRM to display nesting in a hierarchical list applet.

Insert Update All Columns (S)

Used internally to make each SQL INSERT or UPDATE statement include a column. This configuration allows Siebel CRM to reuse parsed statements more effectively during batch processing.

You must not modify this value.

Log Changes (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM enables logging.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM disables logging.

CAUTION:  Siebel CRM sets this property to TRUE, by default. You must not modify it. Any modification you make might adversely affect data integrity.

Maximum Cursor Size (O)

Specifies the maximum number of records that Siebel CRM can get from the server database. It applies only to an Oracle or DB2 UDB database. You can use one of the following numbers:

  • - 1. Siebel CRM gets records until it encounters an EOF (end of file) record.
  • A number greater than 0. Siebel CRM gets the number of records that you specify.

If the Maximum Cursor Size property contains a value, then this value overrides the MaxCursorSize parameter in the configuration file.

You can also use this property with a multivalue group business component. For more information, see Configuring a Multivalue Group Business Component.

Multi Recipient Select (S)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM allows the user to choose multiple recipients.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM does not allow the user to choose multiple recipients.

The Service Request business component sets this property.

Name (R)

Specifies the name for the business component. This name must be unique among business components. It can include spaces. It cannot include special characters.

No Delete (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM does not allow the user to delete a record in an applet that references this business component.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM allows the user to delete a record in an applet that references this business component.

If the Admin Mode Flag property of the current view is TRUE, then Siebel CRM ignores this property.

No Insert (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM does not allow the user to insert a record in an applet that references this business component.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM allows the user to insert a record in an applet that references this business component.

If the Admin Mode Flag property of the current view is TRUE, then Siebel CRM ignores this property.

No Merge (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM does not allow the user to merge two existing records into a single record in an applet that references this business component.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM allows the user to merge two existing records into a single record in an applet that references this business component. You must also set the No Delete property to FALSE because merging requires Siebel CRM to delete one of the records that it merges.

If the Admin Mode Flag property of the current view is TRUE, then Siebel CRM ignores this property.

No Update (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM does not allow the user to update a record in an applet that references this business component.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM allows the user to update a record in an applet that references this business component.

If the Admin Mode Flag property of the current view is TRUE, then Siebel CRM ignores this property.

Owner Delete (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Only the owner can delete a record.
  • FALSE. Anyone can delete a record.

The following visibility determines the owner:

  • Team visibility. The owner is the primary position on the sales team. Team visibility occurs if the Visibility MVLink property and the Visibility MVField property of the BusComp View Mode each includes a value.
  • Position visibility. The owner is the position that the visibility field contains. The Visibility Field property of the BusComp View Mode specifies this field.

If a view uses Admin mode, then Siebel CRM disables the Owner Delete property and any user who can access the view can delete the record.

Placeholder (O)

Not used.

Popup Visibility Auto All (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Pop-up visibility is All.
  • FALSE. The Popup Visibility Type property determines pop-up visibility.

Popup Visibility Type (O)

Specifies the type of pop-up visibility. To view the values you can use, click the Popup Visibility Type property in Siebel Tools. If this property is empty, then Siebel CRM uses the Sales Rep default value.

PreFetch Size (O)

Specifies the number of records that Siebel CRM gets from the server database for a business component. If this property includes a value, then it overrides the MaxCursorSize parameter in the configuration file.

If you set the PreFetch Size property to the same value that the Maximum Cursor Size property contains, then Siebel CRM does the following:

  • Reads the number of records that you specify in the PreFetch Size parameter.
  • Resets the Siebel database cursor so that Siebel CRM can use it for a subsequent query.

You can use this property with the Maximum Cursor Size property only with a DB2 UDB database.

You can use this property with a multivalue group business component. For more information, see Configuring a Multivalue Group Business Component.

Recipient Id Field (O)

Specifies the field that references the recipient IDs. This ID is typically the Contact ID. This property specifies the field that references the ID. It does not specify the ID.

If the user uses CTRL+L in the Service Request screen to create recipients, and if the Recipient Id Field property of the Service Request business component is empty, then Siebel CRM does not create any recipients.

Reverse Fill Threshold (O)

Specifies the maximum number of records that Siebel CRM reads when it runs the first record or the last record request. It does this before the SQL statement that automatically reruns with a reversed sort sequence.

The default value is 100.

Scripted (S)

Indicates a Siebel VB or Siebel eScript script is attached to the business component:

TRUE. Script is attached.

FALSE. No script is attached.

Search Specification (O)

Specifies a conditional expression that Siebel CRM uses to restrict the records it gets for this business component. You can enter a maximum of 255 characters in this property.

Sort Specification (O)

Specifies the sort expression that Siebel CRM uses to sort the records it gets from the server database.

If the business component references any class other than CSSBusComp, then Siebel CRM might disable the sort specification.

For performance reasons, the Application Object Manager ignores the sort specification property for the All view mode and the Manager view mode.

You cannot define a sort specification on an administrative list.

The user can sort records after the first query. To improve performance, Siebel CRM requires the user to filter for a smaller record set.

You can enter a maximum of 255 characters in this property.

For more information, see Business Component User Prop.

Status Field (O)

Specifies the name of a field that contains the value that determines the New status for a record. If this field value is:

  • TRUE. The record is new and no user has viewed it.
  • FALSE. A user has viewed the record.

You use this property with the visibility properties of the business component, such as the Visibility MVLink property and the Position Visibility Field property.

Synonym Field (O)

Specifies the field that contains synonyms for the business component. If this property includes a value, then any bounded picklist that the business component contains searches these synonyms.

Table (R)

Specifies the name of the primary SQL table where Siebel CRM gets records for this business component. The table name is case-sensitive. It must use the same format that it uses in the Siebel database.

A virtual business component does not use this property.


You can use one of the following values:

  • Transient. Save data only when the task UI commits it. You use this value only with a task UI.
  • Non-Transient. Save data in an underlying table. You use this value with any business component that a task UI does not reference.

For more information, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Task UI Guide.

Upgrade Ancestor

For more information, see Common Object Properties.

XA Attribute Value BusComp (O)

Specifies the child business component that contains the attribute values for this business component. This property enables extended dynamic attributes for this business component.

XA Class Id Field (O)

Specifies the field that this business component references that contains the class data.

Restrictions on Inserts, Updates, and Deletes

An insert, update, or delete operation affects data in the table that the Table property of a business component references. It does not affect data in a table that a join references.

How Siebel CRM Persists a Business Component Instance

Siebel CRM ends the persistence of a business component instance when the business object instance that references this business component instance ends.

Configuring the Cache Data Property of a Business Component

If Siebel CRM caches data for a business component, and if it modifies the contents of this cache, then this business component might reference obsolete data. This problem might occur in the following situations:

  • A user modifies some data through another business component. For example, the user modifies data through a business component that uses a multivalue link.
  • Another user modifies data while the user who first modified this data is still connected.

For this reason, it is recommended that you configure Siebel CRM to use caching only with static data, such as a list of values or a product. Do not configure Siebel CRM to use caching with data that the user might modify frequently, such as accounts or opportunities. If you do this, then the client cache might not remain synchronized with data in the server database.

It is recommended that you do not set the Cache Data property of a business component to TRUE and also set the Use Primary Join property of a multi value link to TRUE. If Siebel CRM modifies the primary record of a multivalue group business component in this situation, then it might not update data for the cached parent.

Configuring a Multivalue Group Business Component

You can use the Maximum Cursor Size property and the PreFetch Size property with a multivalue group business component. These properties are available only with a DB2 UDB database. The following items affect the number of rows that Siebel CRM returns for the first operation that a multivalue group business component performs:

  • If the multivalue group business component uses aggregation, then it reads every record. The sum function and the count function are examples of aggregation.
  • A multivalue group business component attempts to make the primary record the current record. Siebel CRM loads records until it finds the primary record. For example, if the primary record is the 4,000th record, then it loads 4,000 records. To prevent this configuration, you can use a detail view instead of a multivalue group. For example, you can use the Contact - Address detail view with the Contact in the top applet and a list of addresses in the bottom applet.
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