Siebel Order Management Guide > Creating and Managing Catalogs > About Dynamic Product Catalogs >

About Configuring Dynamic Product Catalog Applets

NOTE:  This topic does not apply if you are using Siebel Open UI, which does not support dynamic product catalogs.

All Dynamic Catalog applets belongs to special classes, This specialization is needed because the dynamic catalog view render Standard Interactivity (SI) catalog applets in High Interactivity (HI) views.

These specialized classes all use same technique to display SI applets in HI views. All these classes are declared as HI enabled, but the applets are configured as SI applets with one specialized ActiveX control added: the control ProdSelectionCC of type CustomControl.

This control must be added to a web template item of the applet definition as well as to a control type item.

This specialized ActiveX control is used to create a place holder HI applet with one single hidden ActiveX control on it. When the Siebel Web Engine renders the SI applet for the view, this custom control is instantiated and the SI layout is generated. This layout then is inserted into the empty HI applet placeholder space.

Special code is needed both on the server side and on the client side to provide HI user experience, to render SI controls as HI, and to take user input from the controls.

Each class used for Dynamic Catalog applets addresses specific needs and customizations, but most of the classes can be reused by customers who want to extend or customize existing catalog applets. All new implementations using these applet classes must follow base guidelines for developing SI applets. In addition, they must limit types of the controls and layouts to ones shipped with the product.

Dynamic Catalog applets belong to the following specialized classes:

  • ProdCatalogHI. This class is used for catalog category list applets. Siebel catalog applet is a combination of two applets, catalogs and root categories. Root categories applet is not rendered separately from catalogs applet, so no special support is needed for the root categories applet, but it needs to be of this class to render properly as a part of the parent applet. To indicate this applet user property NoAxSupport is set to TRUE. If an applet is of this class and has no ActiveX control but has the user property CanShowInHighInteractivity, then it is rendered using SI renderer, but it is treated as an HI applet.
  • ListProdSelection and ProdSelection. These are generic classes that must be used for new product selection applets, such as ISS Promotion Edit UI Detail List Applet. These classes implement all HI conversion functionality, including rendering customizations used by the other classes. If you add new controls with new methods that require UI refresh to the applet, then you must set the user property PSPExecute with a value = to comma separated method names. As an example, see the ISS Promotion Edit UI Detail List Applet in the sample data; in this example, PSPExecute = DeleteItem,NotifyNewData. This PSPExecute call causes the application to invalidate the PSP cache on the corresponding products Business Component and to refresh the applet content of the UI. Buttons and edit fields have HI behavior. Drilldowns work like HI and perform new view navigation.
  • ListCatProducts and CatProducts. These classes are very similar to ListProdSelection, but they also support some functionality and methods specific to catalog category products.
  • ParametricSearch. Applets using this class must not extend or customize layout and functionality extensively, because this class is very specific to its purpose and layout, used for searching. It implements server-side support for HTML control used as select forms.
  • UMF. This class is a custom class for the Recommendations list applet. It shows a variable number of controls depending on active row.
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