Siebel Order Management Guide > Creating and Managing Catalogs > About Dynamic Product Catalogs >

Configuring the Show Navigator Button of the Dynamic Product Catalog

You can configure the Show Navigator button by modifying the .cfg file and by using Siebel Tools.

NOTE:  This topic does not apply if you are using Siebel Open UI, which does not support dynamic product catalogs.

Modifying the CFG File

To configure the Navigator menu by modifying the .cfg file, you must add a [Catalog Navigator] section to the .cfg file and enter the values shown in Table 19 in that section.

To configure Navigator by modify the CFG

  1. Locate the configuration file (*.cfg file) for your Siebel Business Application.

    For Siebel server, *.cfg files can be found in the following directory:


    For example, the ENU version of Siebel Call Center application uses the file bin\enu\uagent.cfg.

    For Siebel dedicated client, *.cfg files can be found in the following directory:


  2. Back up the original .cfg file.
  3. Use Notepad to open the .cfg file and add the following section:

    [Catalog Navigator]
    FontName =
    FontSize =
    FontColor =
    ForeGroundColor =
    BackGroundColor =
    LastSelectionFontColor =

    NOTE:  Enter specific values for these parameters, as defined in Table 19.

  4. Save the .cfg file.
  5. For Siebel server, you must restart the Object Manager, or for the dedicated client, you must restart the client before the change takes effect.
Table 19. Configurator Settings in the Catalog Navigator Section of the CFG File
Feature Controlled by Setting
Variable Name
Variable Value



Font for the navigator menu string. For example, Arial.

Font Size


Font size for the navigator menu string. For example, Size8.

Font Color


Font color for the navigator menu string. For example, 0xCC6633.

Foreground Color


Foreground color for the navigator. For example, 0x3399CC.

Background Color


Background color for the navigator. For example, 0x99ffff.

Font Color for the Last Selection


Last selection menu thread font color. For example, 0x79B67E.

Background Color for the Last Selection


Last selection menu thread font background color. For example, 0xF7F3F7.

Using Siebel Tools

By using Siebel Tools, you can change the navigator menu in the ways described in this topic.

You must be familiar with Siebel Tools to perform these tasks. For more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

Making the Menu Display Different Strings Instead of the Product Name

You can make the menu display different information instead of just the product name. For example, the menu can display product description, product, and price or it can display product and eligibility status.

To make the menu display different strings

  1. Start Siebel Tools.
  2. Search for and select the Business component PDS Internal Product - Navigator.
  3. Search for and select the field Product Display String.
  4. Change the Calculated Value column from [Name] to whatever string you want to display.
Changing the Catalog Detail Page

The Catalog Detail Page is the view on top level navigator menu selection.

To change the Catalog Detail page

  1. Start Siebel Tools.
  2. Search for and select the applet named COM ActiveX Placeholder Applet - Quote.
  3. Search for and select the control named HTML Navigator Control.
  4. Search and select the control user property Catalog View.
  5. Modify the value field of this user property to the new view.
Always Showing the Navigator Menu Expanded

To always display the Navigator menu in its expanded form, follow this procedure.

To always show the Navigator menu expanded

  1. Start Siebel Tools.
  2. Search for and select the applet named COM ActiveX Placeholder Applet - Quote.
  3. Search for and select the control named HTML Navigator Control.
  4. Search for and select the control user property DefaultExpanded.
  5. Modify the value field of this user property so it is Y instead of N.
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