Siebel Order Management Guide > Creating a Quote or Sales Order > Process of Enabling the Automatic Configuration of Customizable Products >

Headless Configuration Service

The Headless Configuration business service is required to enable the automatic configuration of customizable products that are based on a promotion definition. It works with or without the user interface. It contains the following public methods

Table 34 describes the Headless Configuration service user properties that you must set.

ApplyPromotionDefaults Method

This method is automatically triggered by the Siebel Business Application when you apply a promotion, provided the Promotion Automatch system preference is set to Y. This method is not triggered if the Promotion Automatch system preference is set to N, or if the Promotion Automatch system preference is not defined.

This method configures customizable product line items in the current product as follows:

  1. It loads the product line item.
  2. Runs batch validation on the product line item. 
  3. Changes the product line item according to the Promotion Automatch argument value.

    Table 31 describes Siebel CRM behavior when the Promotion Automatch argument value is set to Default Cardinality, and when the Promotion Automatch argument value is set to Min Max Cardinality. For more information about cardinality, see About Cardinality.

  4. It writes the line item back to the document

This method does not require a user interface context to be called, and contains the method arguments listed in Table 31.

In asset-based ordering (ABO) mode, ApplyPromotionDefaults calls the SIS OM Get Future Asset subprocess workflow, which computes the action codes.

About Cardinality

Cardinality refers to the quantity of the component that a user can select. Minimum cardinality governs whether or not selecting items from a relationship is optional or required. Maximum cardinality sets the maximum number of items that a user can select from a relationship. Default cardinality specifies what quantity of the default product is automatically added to the initial solution that the user sees. For more information about cardinality, see Siebel Product Administration Guide.

Table 31. ApplyPromotionDefaults Method Arguments
Argument Name
Data Type
Input or Output

Promotion Automatch



If set to Default Cardinality, then Siebel CRM behavior is as follows:

    • Non-existing items change to the default quantity.
    • Existing ports below the minimum quantity change to the default quantity.
    • Existing ports above the maximum quantity change to the default quantity.
    • Existing product ports not violating the cardinality remain the same.
    • Existing class ports below the default quantity change to the default quantity.

If set to Min Max Cardinality, then Siebel CRM behavior is as follows:

    • Non-existing items change to the default quantity.
    • Existing ports below the minimum quantity change to the min quantity.
    • Existing ports above the maximum quantity change to the max quantity.
    • Existing product ports not violating the cardinality remain the same.

      NOTE:  This behavior can occur if neither Min nor Max cardinality on the promotion is specified.

    • Existing class ports below the default quantity change to the default quantity.

If set to blank (if no value is set), then Siebel CRM behavior reverts to the existing behavior (that is, the behavior in previous versions of Siebel Order Management). The default setting is blank.

Log Error



If set to Y, then logs error messages.

The default is Y.

Display Error



If set to Y, then displays Unified Messaging Framework (UMF) messages; a user interface context is required.

If, depending on application of the promotion, the customizable product structure changes, then the UMF message displays the recommendations applet in the dynamic catalog view; or, the user can open the recommendations applet using the recommendation icon.

The default is N.

Document Id



The Header Id of the quote or order.

Document Type



This value must be either Quote or Order.

Integration Object



Depending on document type and ABO mode, this argument defaults to either one of the following:

  • SIS OM Order, or SIS OM Quote
  • When ABO is turned off: 7.7 Order Entry Integration Object, or 7.7 Quote Integration Object

Search Spec



The Search Spec is applied to the business component line item. By default, this argument is empty. However when ApplyPromotionDefaults is called automatically on applying a promotion (by setting the Promotion Automatch system preference to Y), this argument is set by the application to retain only those line items that are associated with that promotion instance.

See also the following related Search Spec user properties in Table 34:

  • Order Default Search Spec
  • Quote Default Search Spec




If set to Y, then the result is synchronized to the database.

The default is N.

Restore Document Method

This method restores the document to its saved state, and contains the method arguments listed in Table 32. If an error is encountered during execution of the ApplyPromotionDefaults method, then Restore Document is automatically triggered by the application (provided the Promotion Automatch system preference is set to Y). Restore Document is not triggered if the Promotion Automatch system preference is set to N, or if the Promotion Automatch system preference is not defined.

Table 32. Restore Document Method Arguments
Argument Name
Data Type
Input or Output

Document Id



The Header Id of the quote or order.

Document Type



Document Type must be either Quote or Order.

Save Document Method

This method saves the document in its current state, and contains the method arguments listed in Table 33. This method is automatically triggered by the application to save the state of the document before applying the promotion, provided that the Promotion Automatch system preference is set to Y. This method is not triggered if the Promotion Automatch system preference is set to N, or if the Promotion Automatch system preference is not defined.

Table 33. Save Document Method Arguments
Argument Name
Data Type
Input or Output

Document Id



The Header Id of the quote or order.

Document Type



Document Type must be either Quote or Order.

Headless Configuration Service User Properties

Use the Headless Configuration service user properties to set the values given in Table 34.

Table 34. Headless Configuration Service User Properties
Business Service User Property

Logging Level


NOTE:  This value is the threshold log level for error messages.

Order Business Object

Order Entry (Sales)

Order Default Search Spec

[IsComplexProductRoot]='Y' AND [Action Code] <> LookupValue('DELTA_ACTION_CODE','Deleted')

NOTE:  The search specification is appended to the input argument Search Spec.

Order Due Date Field

Requested Ship Date

Order Header Business Component

Order Entry - Orders

Order Line Item Business Component

Order Entry - Line Items

Quote Business Object


Quote Default Search Spec

[IsComplexProductRoot]='Y' AND [Action Code] <> LookUpValue('DELTA_ACTION_CODE','Deleted')

NOTE:  The search specification is appended to the input argument Search Spec.

Quote Due Date Field

Due Date

Quote Header Business Component


Quote Line Item Business Component

Quote Item

UMF Headless Configuration Messages Source

Headless Configuration

UMF Headless Configuration Error Messages Score


NOTE:  The UMF message is displayed whenever an apply promotion is undone.

UMF Headless Configuration Error Messages Type

Headless Configuration Error Message

NOTE:  The UMF message is displayed whenever an apply promotion is undone.

UMF Headless Configuration Messages Source

Headless Configuration Proceed Message

NOTE:  The UMF message is displayed when changes are made to the customizable product using ApplyPromotionDefaults.

UMF Headless Configuration Messages Score


NOTE:  The UMF message is displayed when changes are made to the customizable product using ApplyPromotionDefaults.

UMF Headless Configuration Messages Type

Headless Configuration Message

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