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Product Recommendation Get Recommended Products

Product Recommendation Get Recommended Products is the PSP procedure for recommendations. It is responsible for gathering the recommended products, running them through Eligibility and Pricing, and then constructing them in payload format.

This workflow is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Product Recommendation Get Recommended Products

Workflow Description. This workflow does the following:

  • Get Related Products. Finds all the recommended products using the product in the current line item.
  • Has Recommended Product? Checks if any recommended product exists. If not, skip all the remaining steps.
  • Check Eligibility? Checks whether the process property EligibilityFlag=Y. If not, skip the Check Eligibility step.
  • Check Eligibility. Calls the subprocess Product Eligibility & Compatibility - Default, which runs an eligibility test on each recommended products. For more information about this subprocess, see the topic about eligibility in Siebel Product Administration Guide.
  • Get Pricing? Checks whether the process property PricingFlag=Y. If not, skip the Price Products and Get Currency Symbols steps.
  • Price Products. Calls the subprocess Pricing Procedure - Default, which prices each recommended product according to the current context. For more information about this subprocess, see the technical reference in Siebel Pricing Administration Guide.
  • Get Currency Symbols. Gets currency symbols from the pricing result, and passes them to the payload. The currency symbol is used in the user interface.
  • Setup Payload. Sets up the required message payload for the message service. This payload is used by the Update Messages step in the driver workflow.
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