Siebel Personalization Administration Guide > Operators for Building Condition Expressions >

Pattern Matching Operators

Table 30 lists pattern matching operators.

See also Arithmetic Operators, Comparison Operators, and Logical Operators.

Table 30. Pattern Matching Operators


(asterisk) Wildcard for any number of characters before or after the value entered.

Used in combination with LIKE.


(question mark) Wildcard for a single character.

Used in combination with LIKE.


Combine with a string and one or more wildcard characters to find all values with string.

For example: [Product Line] LIKE *enti?m* returns records where the Product Line field contains the string enti?m such as The Pentium I Line and Pentiums.


Combine with a string and one or more wildcard characters to find all values without string.


Finds a value from a multivalue group. EXISTS also finds values in any child of the MVG.

For example: EXISTS ([Product Component] = 4 Meg Ram) returns records in which attribute Product Component (an MVG) referred to is a child record with the value 4 Meg Ram.

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