Siebel Personalization Administration Guide > Tracking Run-Time Events >

Definitions of Events

Events are defined by:

  • Object Type. The type of object to which the event occurs, such as an application, business component, or applet.
  • Object Name. The name of the application, business component, or applet to which the event occurs.
  • Event. The specific event that happens to the object. The set of available events is different for different object types.
    • Application event. Table 14 lists available events.
      Table 14. Application Events
      Application Events


      A user logs in to an application using the Siebel Mobile Web Client.

      NOTE:  Logging in to Siebel Web Client will trigger both Login as well as WebLogin runtime events. 


      A user logs out from an application using the Siebel Mobile Web Client.


      A profile attribute is set.


      A view is activated.


      A view is deactivated.


      A user logs in to the Siebel Web Client.


      A user logs out from the Siebel Web Client.


      A Web session ends.


      A Web session begins.


      A Web session times out.

      The following example was traced by setting the component parameter Application Personal Log = <FILENAME> and lists the events that occur when a Web session times out.

      1. Object type:  Application
        Object name: Siebel eCustomer
        Event: TIMEOUT
      2. Object type: Application
        Object name: Siebel eCustomer
        Event: Logout
        Sub-event: TIMEOUT
      3. Object type: Application
        Object name: Siebel eCustomer
        Event: WebSessionEnd
      4. Object type: Application
        Object name: Siebel eCustomer
        Event: WebTimeout


      The ApplicationUnload event is fired on the server side when the client framework is unloaded from the client browser.

    • Business component. All business component events are named after corresponding Siebel VB BusComp functions. Table 15 lists the available events.
      Table 15. Business Component Events
      Business Component Events
      Is Triggered...


      After an association is created when a record is added to a business component.


      After the current row changes in the business component.


      After a new row is copied in the business component.


      After a row is deleted in the business component.


      After a method is called.


      After a new row is added to the business component.


      Before an association is created when a record is added to a business component.


      Before a new row is copied in the business component.


      Before a row is deleted in the business component.


      When the value of a business component field is accessed.


      Before a method is called.


      Triggered before a new row is added to the business component.


      Triggered before a query is executed.


      Triggered when a value is written to the business component from the user interface.


      Triggered before a row is written to the database.


      Triggered after a query is executed.


      Triggered after a value is written to the business component from the user interface.


      Triggered after a row is written to the database.


      Triggered after a new row is written to the database. Fires along with WriteRecord.


      Triggered after a row is updated in the database. Fires along with WriteRecord.

    • Applet. Applet events are triggered just after a method is invoked or an applet or record is displayed, as shown in Table 16. For more information on events, see Using Siebel Tools.
      Table 16. Applet Events
      Applet Event


      An applet is displayed.


      A record is displayed.


      A method is invoked.


      Triggered before a method is called.

    • Subevent. The subevent represents the following information according the event and object type, as determined by the object type (Table 17).
      Table 17. Subevent Information
      When the object type is...

      BusComp or Applet and the event is InvokeMethod or PreInvokeMethod

      The subevent is the name of the method to monitor.

      The method name is found in Siebel Tools, in the Invoke Method property of the control that calls the method.

      BusComp and the event is SetFieldValue or PreSetFieldValue

      The subevent is the name of the field to monitor.

      Application and the event is ViewDeactivated or ViewActivate

      The subevent is the name of the view to monitor.

      Application and the event is SetAttribute

      The subevent is the name of the attribute.

  • Conditional Expression. Adds additional control. If the conditional expression evaluates to TRUE, the action is triggered when the event occurs.

NOTE:  The field referenced in the conditional expression must be activated, either by setting the field to force active or by displaying it on the applet, to trigger the run-time event.

  • Action Set. What actions are taken when the event occurs. Action sets are defined in the Action Sets view under Administration - Runtime Events.

    Most actions set or modify user profile attributes. These set expressions store information that is later used to tailor content delivery.

  • Sequence. The order in which the action set associated with this event in this record executes, relative to other action sets associated with this event. Runtime events with a sequence value of -1, such as a system generated workflow events for workflow processes, are executed first.
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