Siebel Personalization Administration Guide > Functions >

Conditional Functions

Table 32 lists the conditional functions. See also Functions.

Table 32. Conditional Functions

IfNull (expr1, expr2)

Returns expr1 if expr1 is not NULL or returns expr2 if expr1 is NULL. IfNull is the return type of its first argument even if the first argument is NULL.

For example:

IfNull ("", "foo")

returns "foo".

IIf (testExpr, expr1, expr2)

If testExpr is TRUE, returns expr1's value, otherwise returns expr2's value. IfNull is the return type of its first argument even if the first argument is NULL. The second argument is converted to the type of the first argument before its value is returned.

For example:

IIf ([Last Name] IS NULL, "foo", "boo")

returns foo if [Last Name] is NULL.

IsPrimary ()

For MVGs, returns if the current record is the primary record. IsPrimary () returns TRUE if the current address in an MVG address field is the primary address.

BCHasRows (BO, BC, search_expr, visibility)

Returns TRUE if the business component BC that is a part of business object BO has any rows after applying the search_expr and visibility.

Evaluates to TRUE or FALSE depending on whether a given business component would return any records given the search specification and visibility.

For example:

BCHasRows ("Contact", "Contact", "", "Organization")

returns TRUE if there are 1 or more rows of contacts.

For example, you could hide an applet based on how many records it displayed. However, hiding and showing detail applets using BCHasRows is not possible.

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