Siebel Pricing Administration Guide > Creating and Assigning Price Lists > About Setting Up Service Pricing >

Setting Up Service Pricing as a Percentage of a Covered Product

The price of the service is equal to the list price of the service plus a percentage of the price of the covered product.

This method of pricing is available without configuration.

To set up service pricing as a percentage of a covered product, perform the following tasks:

Pricing a Service as a Percentage of a Covered Product

A service can be priced as a percentage of the covered product. Alternatively, there can be a list price for the service, and a percentage of the covered product is added to this list price.

To set up service pricing as a percentage of the covered product

  1. Add the service price line item, as described in Adding Price List Line Items for Service Products.
  2. Complete the fields in the Service Pricing Details form described in the following table:

    Service Pricing Method

    Select Net Price of List Price to determine whether the service price is a percentage of the net of list price of the covered product.

    Service Price %

    Enter the percentage of the covered product's price to use as the service price.

    List Price

    Enter a list price for the service product.

Associating a Service with a Covered Product

When the end user creates a quote or order for a service whose price is based on a product, the end user must associate the service with the product. For more information about how an end user creates a quote or order, see Siebel Order Management Guide.

To associate a service with a covered product

  1. Create a quote or order as described in Siebel Order Management Guide.
  2. Add the covered product as a line item.
  3. From the Line Items applet menu, choose Service.

    A dialog box appears that includes only service products.

  4. Select the appropriate service product from the dialog box, and click OK.

    The service product is added as a line item to the quote or order, and it is associated with the covered product. This association appears in the Covered Product field of the service product line item.

    NOTE:  As an alternative to choosing Service from the menu, you can directly populate the Covered Product field of the service line item to create an association between the service and the covered product.

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