Siebel Pricing Administration Guide > Creating Product Offers > Workflow Reference for Product Offers >

RAF Get Named Parameter For Web Call Workflow

RAF Get Named Parameter For Web Call Workflow, shown in Figure 29, is the subprocess call for named parameters that use Web services.

Figure 29. RAF Get Named Parameter For Web Call Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  • Get Response From Input. This step uses the GetFieldValue method of the CMU External Integration business service to extract Action Name and Action Id from the Siebel message that is the input parameter.
  • Get Action From Input. This step uses the GetFieldValue method of the CMU External Integration business service to extract Named Parameter Id, Upgrade Product, Component Product, Field Name, Attribute Value from the Siebel message that is the input parameter.
  • Get Named Parameter. This step uses the Query Transform method of the Row Set Transformation Toolkit to query the RAF Product Offer Parameters business component to get the Named Parameter and User Input row sets.
  • Get Message. This step uses the Query Transform method of the Row Set Transformation Toolkit to query the UMS Message business component to get the Msg row set.
  • Set Message. This step uses the Conditional Action Transform method of the Row Set Transformation Toolkit to query based on the condition {Row.Name} IS NOT NULL from the output of the previous step to set the Named Parameter row set and the Msg row set as Row Set and Context respectively.
  • Set Up Payload. To set the context and row set as the output, this step uses the Conditional Action Transform method of the Row Set Transformation Toolkit to query based on condition

    {Row} += New(Payload", [Product Type Code] = {Row.Product Type Code} , [Account Id] = {Context.Account Id} ,[Reject Action Type] = "RuntimeEvent" , [Accept Action Type] = "RuntimeEvent" , [Reject Action Name] = "EventMethodResumeParamWflw" , [Accept Action Name] = "EventMethodResumeParamWflw" , [Base Product Name] = {Context.Base Product Name} , [Action Id] = {Context.Id} , [Named Parameter Flag] = {Context.Named Parameter Flag} , [Product Path] = {Row.Component Product Path} , [Named Parameter Type] ={Context.Named Parameter Type} , [Base Product Id] = {Context.Base Product Id} , [Field Value] = {Row.Field Value} , [Product Name]= {Row.Product Name} , [Product Id] = {Row.Product Id} , [Component Product] = {Row.Component Product} , [Name] = {Row.Name} , [Attribute Value] = {Row.Attribute Value} )

  • Get Response for Named Parameter. To obtain the Response row set, this step uses the Query Transform method of the Row Set Transformation Toolkit to query RAF Product Offer Parameters business component based on the condition

    '[Product Offer Action Id] = ' + '"' + [&ActionId] + '" AND [Id] = ' + '"' + [&ParameterId] + '"'

  • Set the Response in Payload. This step uses Conditional Action Transform method of the Row Set Transformation Toolkit to query based on the condition {Row.Action Id} IS NOT NULL to get the Response row set and Child Response row set.
  • Split Payload. This step uses the Split Transform method of the Row Set Transformation Toolkit to split the output row set into Payload row set and Response row set based on the condition {Row.Action Id} IS NOT NULL.
  • Set Response on Named Action. To arrive at the row sets pertaining to conditions satisfied having User Input Action Rowset and Payload Rowset respectively, this step uses the Conditional Action Transform method of the Row Set Transformation Toolkit to query based on the conditions

    {Row.Named Parameter Type} = LookupValue("RAF_NAMED_PARM_TYPE","Component Product") or {Row.Named Parameter Type} = LookupValue("RAF_NAMED_PARM_TYPE","Base Product") or {Row.Named Parameter Type} = LookupValue("RAF_NAMED_PARM_TYPE","Upgrade Product") or {Row.Named Parameter Type} = LookupValue("RAF_NAMED_PARM_TYPE","Field Value") or {Row.Named Parameter Type} = LookupValue("RAF_NAMED_PARM_TYPE","Domain Value").

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