Siebel Pricing Administration Guide > Creating Product Offers > Process of Creating Product Offers >

Creating Actions for Responses to Product Offers

For each response that you created, you can define one or more actions that the Siebel application performs if the user selects that response. For more information about actions, see About Actions for Responses to Product Offers.

In most cases, you define the action using only fields in the Action record, but there are two cases where you can define more complex actions:

This task is a step in Process of Creating Product Offers.

To create actions for a response to a product offer

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then Product Offers view.
  2. Select the Product Offer that you want.
  3. Click the Responses view tab.
  4. Select the response that you want.
  5. Add one or more new records to the Responses - Actions list, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.


    Displays the order in which the actions are executed. The sequence number is generated automatically, and you cannot change it.

    NOTE:  The sequence number is important when there is more than one action for the same product. For example, because a product must exist before you can change its attributes, the sequence number for an action that adds a product must be lower than the sequence number for an action that updates an attribute for that product.

    Action Name

    When you step off the action record, the Action Name field is automatically populated with a unique number. You can change it to give it a meaningful name that helps you to identify the action.

    Action Type

    Select the type of action. The options are as follows:

    • New. Select this value to create a new sales order (if the customer is residential) or quote (if the customer is not residential).
    • Modify. Select this value to modify an existing asset by adding, updating or deleting products and services.
    • Upgrade. Select this value to upgrade products and services for an asset. Also, select this value to upgrade an existing asset.
    • RunProcess. Select this value to run preorder or postorder tasks by invoking a workflow.

    Action Code

    Select an action code to specify the action. The options are limited depending on your selection in the Action field. The options include:

    • Add. Select this code to add new products and services for an asset.
    • Update. Select this code to modify products and services for an asset.
    • Replace. Select this code to delete the currently selected item and add the new product for a specific product path.

      NOTE:  The Replace action code applies to product paths that have a maximum cardinality of 1. You cannot have more than one product selected in the product path.

    • Delete. Select this code to delete obsolete products and services for an asset.
    • Upgrade. Select this code to upgrade products and services for an asset.
    • Workflow. Select this code to invoke a workflow.

    Base Product

    Select a base product.

    Component Product

    You can enter a component in the Component Product field if you select an action code of Add, Replace, Update, or Delete and if the base product has components. You cannot enter a component in this field when the action code is Upgrade or Workflow.

    User Input

    Select this check box if the action requires user input. This field is used only with named parameters. For more information, see Product Offers with Named Parameters.

    Workflow Name

    If you selected workflow as the action code, then use this field to select the workflow process. If you invoke a workflow, then you can also pass parameters to this workflow if necessary. For more information, see Creating Parameters for Actions That Invoke Workflows.

    Field Name and Field Value

    If the action code is Update, then you can select a field name and field value to update the field with the specified value.

    If you select a component product, then only the attributes and fields applicable to that component product are available for selection. If you do not select a component product, then only the fields applicable to the base product are available for selection.

    Attribute Name and Attribute Value

    If the action code is Update, then you can select an attribute name and attribute value to update the attribute with the specified value.

    If you select a component product, then only the attributes and fields applicable to that component product are available for selection. If you do not select a component product, then only the attributes and fields applicable to the base product are available for selection.

    Upgrade Product

    If the action code is Upgrade, then select the product that you want to upgrade.

    Named Parameter

    If you are using a named parameter, then select one of the following options to specify what type of object the named parameter applies to:

    • Base Product
    • Component Product
    • Upgrade Product
    • Attribute Value
    • Field Value

    Do not enter a value in the equivalent fields of the Action record if you are specifying those values using named parameters. For example:

    • Do not enter a value in the Base Product field when you select Base Product in the Named Parameter field.
    • Do not enter a value in the Attribute Value field when you select Attribute Value in the Named Parameter field.

    You can either enter these values directly in the fields of the Action record, or you can specify these values using named parameters. For more information about how to specify values using named parameters, see Product Offers with Named Parameters.

    Parent Action

    Enter a parent action when the user input for this action is dependent on a user selection for an earlier action.

    This field can be used with named parameters. For more information, see Product Offers with Named Parameters.

    This field can also be used for other purposes. For more information, see Example of Creating Product Offers with Parent Actions.

    Allow Multiple Instance

    This check box specifies the number of instances of a product within a quote or order. By default, the check box is selected and it allows multiple line items with the same product. To allow only one instance of a product in a quote or order, deselect the check box.

    For example, if you were creating an offer that adds the International Calling Package to the customer's existing home phone service, you would deselect the Allow Multiple Instance check box, because a customer would never need two or more International Calling Packages.

Creating Parameters for Actions That Invoke Workflows

If you defined an action for the product offer that invokes a workflow, then you can define parameters that are passed to the workflow.

For example, you have a number of product offers that require customers to have a minimum, prepaid balance, with different balances required for the different product offers. You create a workflow that checks an external application to determine the customer's prepaid balance and that generates an order only if the customer has more than the required balance. Different product offers pass different parameters to the workflow, depending on the minimum balance that the offer requires. When you create a new product offer that requires a minimum balance of $50, you call this workflow, and enter 50 as the workflow parameter.

For this product offer, you would enter the name of this workflow that checks minimum balance in the Workflow field, and you would enter 50 in the Value field in the procedure below. For a different product offer that requires a minimum balance of $200, you would enter the name of this workflow in the Workflow field, and you would enter 200 in the Value field.

If you want to provide inputs from the current context, such as an order ID generated by earlier actions or custom fields on the account header, then you must extend the Default Product Offer Recommendation variable maps unless you have configured custom variable maps

To specify parameters for actions that invoke workflows

  1. Create the action, as described earlier in this topic, with the values shown in the following table.



    Action Code



    The name of the workflow that is invoked

  2. Click the Workflow Parameter view tab.
  3. Add one or more new records to the Workflow Parameter list, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.


    Enter a workflow parameter name.


    Enter the workflow parameter value.

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