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Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price Workflow

The Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price workflow, as shown in Figure 42, is responsible for the net price calculation, which takes into account volume discount, aggregate discount sequence, product promotion, manual adjustment and minimum or maximum price bound checks.

Figure 42. Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price Workflow Process

Workflow Description. This workflow does the following:

  1. Initializes the net price value as the start price value.
  2. Queries in FS Product Price Item Details Buscomp for any covered asset service pricing adjustment.
  3. Moves those rows with the Exclude Pricing flag set to another the Keep Price Row Set row set. This will skip all Siebel-Pricer-generated discounts throughout the procedure.
  4. Applies a manual adjustment (discount amount, discount percentage, discount price and header discount percentage) for the row set with Exclude Pricing flag Set.
  5. Sets the pricing adjustment that indicates the total amount of Siebel-Pricer-generated discount accounts for the row set with Exclude Pricing flag = Y.
  6. Evaluates simple and tiered volume discount. This would also populate the next discount and upsell message for upsell purposes.
  7. Evaluates product promotion discounts.
  8. Calls the Pricing Procedure - Bundle Discount subprocedure to evaluate the aggregate discount sequence.
  9. Checks whether the current net price is within the boundary of the minimum and maximum price.
  10. Applies a manual adjustment (discount amount, discount percentage, discount price and header discount percentage).
  11. Sets the pricing adjustment that indicates the total amount of Siebel-Pricer-generated discount accounts.
  12. Merges the two row sets generated from the Keep Price = Y? back into one row set.

Table 22 lists the steps of the Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price workflow with the business service and method that is called by each step.

Table 22. Steps of the Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price Workflow
Business Service
Sub Process

Net = Start

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Conditional Action Transform

Not applicable

Initializes the Net Price value as the Start Price value.

Calculate Covered Asset Service Price

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Simple Look-Up Transform

Not applicable

Queries in FS Product Price Item Details Buscomp for any covered asset service pricing adjustment.

Keep Price = Y?

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Split Transform

Not applicable

Moves those rows with Exclude Pricing Flag set to another row set, the Keep Price Row Set row set. For these, all Siebel-Pricer-generated discounts will be skipped throughout the procedure.

Manual Adjustment for Keep Price = Y

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Conditional Action Transform

Not applicable

Applies Manual Adjustment for Keep Price Row Set row set.

Set Pricing Adj for Keep Price = Y

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Conditional Action Transform

Not applicable

Sets the Pricing Adjustment that indicates the total amount of Siebel-Pricer-generated discounts for the Keep Price Row Set row set.

Simple Volume Discount

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Simple Look-Up Transform

Not applicable

Evaluates Simple Volume Discount.

Simple Volume Discount Upsell

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Simple Look-Up Transform

Not applicable

Populates Simple Volume Discount Upsell information.

Tiered Volume Discount

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Simple Look-Up Transform

Not applicable

Evaluates Tiered Volume Discount.

Tiered Volume Discount Upsell

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Simple Look-Up Transform

Not applicable

Populates Tiered Volume Discount Upsell information.

Look-Up Promotion Discount

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Simple Look-Up Transform

Not applicable

Checks whether a promotion discount is defined.

Apply Promotion Discount

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Conditional Action Transform

Not applicable

Applies the Promotion Discount found in the previous step.

Apply Bundle Discounts

Sub Process

Not applicable

Not applicable

Pricing Procedure - Aggregate Discounts

Invokes a subprocedure for calculating Aggregate Sequence.

Check Min or Max Price

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Conditional Action Transform

Not applicable

Ensures that the net price is within the minimum and maximum defined in the price list item.

Manual Adjustment

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Conditional Action Transform

Not applicable

Applies manual adjustment.

Set Pricing Adjustment

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Conditional Action Transform

Not applicable

Sets the pricing adjustment, which is the total amount of Siebel-Pricer- generated discounts.

Merge Keep Price = Y

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Merge Transform

Not applicable

Merges back the Keep Price Row Set row set.

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