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Pricing Procedure - Service Workflow

The Pricing Procedure - Service workflow, as shown in Figure 44, adjusts the start prices for service products by taking account their covered products and primary covered assets.

Figure 44. Pricing Procedure - Service Workflow Process

Workflow Description. This workflow does the following:

  1. Looks up list price information for covered products.
  2. Calculates the start price for a service product by applying the percentage in the Price List Item Buscomp to the net price or start price of the covered product.

Table 24 lists the steps in the Pricing Procedure - Service workflow with the business service and method that is called by each step.

Table 24. Steps of the Pricing Procedure - Service Workflow
Business Service
Sub Process

Get Covered Product List Price

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Simple Look-Up Transform

Not applicable

Looks up list price information for the covered product.

Calculate Covered Product Service Price

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Simple Look-Up Transform

Not applicable

Calculates the Start Price for a service product by applying the percentage in the Price List Item to the Net Price or Start Price of the covered product.

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