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Product Compatibility - Default Workflow

Product Compatibility - Default workflow is responsible for determining other required and excluded products for a list of inputted row set of products. It determines required and excluded products based on compatibility rules set up in the administration views. The workflow takes a row set of Products and flags each row with compatibility status and with a comment detailing related products that are either required or excluded.

This workflow is shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16. Product Compatibility - Default Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow does the following:

  • Merge Ineligible Rows. Merges the row sets passed in by parent workflow Product Eligibility & Compatibility - Default, which already determined Eligibility of the products and separated the products into row sets depending on whether or not the products are eligible
  • Filter Duplicate Row Set. Filters out any duplicate products in the row set.
  • Post-Pick?. Determines if the workflow is run in post-pick or pre-pick mode. Skips steps Copy Row Set, Merge Row Set to Scope and Filter Duplicate Projected Assets if in not in Post-Pick mode.
  • Copy Row Set. Makes a copy of the unique row set created in the step Filter Duplicate Row Set.
  • Merge Row Set to Scope. Merges row sets to form the scope row sets. Scope row set is all the products that the input row set will be checking Compatibility rules against. It includes the Projected Assets as well as products in the Customizable Product.
  • Filter Duplicate Projected Assets. Filters any duplicate products in the Projected Assets row set.
  • Get Incompatible Products. Loads A Excludes B rules for the products from the Compatibility administration view.
  • Get Incompatible Products (Mutual). Load B Excludes A rules for the products.
  • Incompatible Products in Projected Assets?. Checks whether there are incompatible products in the Project Asset row set based on rules retrieved in the two previous steps.
  • Flag Incompatible Rows Flags rows in the Row Set with Status and Comment for incompatibilities found in the previous step.
  • Get Required Products. Loads A Requires B rules for the products.
  • Required Products in Projected Assets?. Checks if there are required product rule violated for products in the Project Asset row set based on rules retrieved in the previous steps.
  • Flag Rows Missing Required Product. Flags rows in the Row Set with Status and Comment for missing products based on violations found in the previous step. Moves all rows with violations to the Incompatible Row Set
  • Fix Row Set with Incompatibility Status. Removes from the Row Set all the rows that exist in the Incompatible Row Set.
  • Merge Incompatible products. Merges the Incompatible Row Set with the Row Set.
  • Split Eligible Rows. Splits the rows with Compatibility violations from the Row Set to the Ineligible Row Set. Ineligible Row Set now contains a row set of all the products that have Eligibility violations or Compatibility violations.
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