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Configurator Eligibility Compatibility Workflow

This Workflow is invoked by Siebel Configurator to check if there are any products or attributes that violate Eligibility or Compatibility rules. There are 2 types of checking: Pre-Pick check on the domains of products and attributes in Siebel Configurator, and Post-Pick check on the products and attributes that are selected in the Siebel Configurator Instance.

This workflow is shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18. Configurator Eligibility Compatibility Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow does the following:

  • PrePick1. Determines whether this is a Pre-Pick or Post-Pick scenario.
  • Pre Pick Get Row Set. Creates a Row Set of all the Domain Products in Siebel Configurator.
  • Post Pick Get Row Set. Asks the Context Service to generate a Row Set of the current Siebel Configurator Instance.
  • Get Delta RowSet. Generates a subset of the Row Set generated in the previous step. This subset contains only the newly selected or deleted instance after a Siebel Configurator Submit Request. The Compatibility Engine will use this Row Set and compare it with the Row Set generated in the previous step to determine if any Compatibility Rules are violated.
  • Initialize PAC?. Determines whether Projected Asset Cache (PAC) was already initilialized.
  • Construct PAC Params. Constructs the necessary input arguments that PAC business service needs. This will control which buscomps (Quote, Order, or Asset) that will be queried by PAC.
  • Call PAC?. Based on the inputs set in the previous step, determines whether the application needs to call PAC.
  • Initialize Projected Asset. Creates the Projected Asset Cache.
  • Projected Asset Key. Creates a unique key for the Cache created in the previous step.
  • Query Projected Asset. Creates a Property Set of the items cached in the PAC.
  • Transform PAC Fields. Transforms the PAC fields to Variable Names that are recognized by the Eligibility/Compatibility engine
  • E&C Workflow. Passes the control to the Product Eligibility & Compatibility - Default workflow.
  • PrePick2. Determines whether this is a Pre-Pick or Post-Pick scenario.
  • ProcessPostPickProduct. Updates Siebel Configurator instances that are Ineligible.
  • ProcessPostPickAttribute. Determines the eligibility of attributes that are already selected (part of the Instance).
  • ProcessPrePickProduct. Updates Siebel Configurator Domain Products that are Ineligible.
  • CheckPrePickAttribute. Determines the eligibility of the domains of the attributes.
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