Siebel Product Administration Guide > Creating Validation Rules for Customizable Products >

Setting Up Product Validation Using the Simple Expression Business Service

To perform product validation using the simple expression business service, which is provided with the product, perform the following tasks:

  1. Creating the Customizable Product for Validation
  2. Creating the Messages for Product Validation
  3. Adding the Validation Services Record
  4. Creating Product Validation Expression Rules

Creating the Customizable Product for Validation

Validation rules only work on products that have been defined as components of a product with components. They use the Instance ID of the product with components as the key to retrieve products to validate.

As the first step in creating validation rules, define a product with components whose components include all the products that the rules will apply to. For more information, see Designing Products with Components.

Creating the Messages for Product Validation

You must use the Administration - Application screen, then the Message Types view to define the error messages that the product validation rule will display.

For more information about defining messages, see Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide.

To create the messages for product validation

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Order Management screen, then the Message Types view.
  2. In the All Message Types list, add a new record for each message and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.


    Enter a name for the message record. When you add rules in the Simple Validation Expression Rules list, this name will be used to link the rule to a message.


    If you are using the validation service VORD CPVE Simple Validation, which ships with the product, as the group, you must enter Simple Expression Rule.

    Full Text

    Enter the error message that is displayed by the application.

    NOTE:  Only the Full Text field is used by the product validation engine. The Short Text field is ignored.

Adding the Validation Services Record

The Validation Services record contains the name of the validation business service to call.

This task is a step in Setting Up Product Validation Using the Simple Expression Business Service.

To add the Validation Services record

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Products view.
  2. Click the Product Validation view tab.
  3. In the link bar of Product Validation view, click Validation Services.
  4. Add one or more new records to the Validation Services list and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.


    Enter a number that controls the order in which the validation services are executed. You can create an unlimited number of validation services.

    Business Service

    Select the business service used to execute this rule. In this case, select VORD CPVE Simple Validation, the provided product validation business service that ships with the product.

    Rule Type

    Select a rule type. The options are as follows:

    • Compound. This business service runs in the context of the Network Validation routines. For information about network validation, see Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications.
    • Complex. This business service runs in the context of the Product Validation routines.
    • All. This business service runs in both contexts.

    In this case, you must select Complex or All for use with the VORD CPVE Simple Validation business service.

Creating Product Validation Expression Rules

The Product Validation Expression list allows you to create rules based on expressions that are true or false. If the expression is true, the application displays the error message that you select in the Message field.

This list allows you to create a number of different types of expressions. You may create only one type of expression in each rule.

For example, you can use the Search Expression field to create an expression in Siebel Query Language, such as [Quantity] > 2. If the value in the Quantity field is greater than 2, this expression evaluates as true, and the error message is displayed.

To create product validation rules

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Products view.
  2. Click the Product Validation view tab.
  3. In the link bar of Product Validation view, click Product Validation Expression Rules.
  4. Add new records to the Product Validation Expression Rules list and complete the necessary fields.

    Table 47 includes some sample simple expression rules that you could use to validate network ordering. The first six columns contain the values you enter in each record, and the last column contains an explanation of what this rule does. For more information about network ordering, see Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications.

Table 47. Samples of Simple Expression Rules
Error Text
Search Expression
Aggregate Function
Group By Fields
Having Expression


[Count] [Product]s are missing Service Addresses

([Network Element Type] = "Network Node" AND [Service Address] = "")


[Product Name]



Validates that all Nodes have a Service Address.


[Count] [Product] are missing a "Service Address" and/or a "To Service Address "

([Network Element Type] = "Network Connection" AND (([Service Address] = "") OR ([To Service Address] = "")))


[Product Name]


Validates that all Connections have a Service Address associated with each end of the connection.


[Product] at [Service Address] must have a different "To Service Address "

([Network Element Type] = "Network Connection" AND ([Service Address] = [To Service Address]))




Validates that the Addresses for each end of a connection are different.


[Count] [Product] are missing a From Node and/or To Node

([Network Element Type] = "Network Connection" AND ([Node] = "" OR [To Node] = ""))


[Product Name]


Validates that all connections have a node associated with each end of the connection.

In addition to the fields described in Table 47, use the Message field to select a message associated with the expression.

After this is setup, whenever a customizable product is validated, for each item in that current instance of the product, each expression rule is processed once. If any expression matches the current row, then the message associated with that rule is displayed.

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