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How Replication Manager Uses Routing Groups

A routing group is associated with each Siebel Server of a regional node. It does the following:

  • Determines the data that Replication Manager extracts and the transactions that it synchronizes with the Siebel Server of a regional node.
  • Determines how much of the data from the parent node Replication Manager copies to the regional database.

You cannot modify a routing group.

Each regional node contains a full copy of the Siebel database in the parent node and Siebel File System, or a subset of that data. To specify the routing group that the Replication Manager uses, you can associate one of the following routing groups with the regional database:

To specify a routing group, you use the Administration - Siebel Remote screen when you register the regional node.

For more information about the following items:

About the Regional Server - Full Copy Routing Group

The Regional Server - Full Copy routing group copies all nonsystem data, including all user data, from the parent database to the regional database. Full Copy disregards routing rules. It considers the regional database as a full copy of the parent database. You must not use Full Copy as a backup system for the headquarters node for the following reasons:

  • The Full Copy routing group might note copy some data that is related to Siebel CRM data.
  • If you cannot restore the parent node properly, then it might be necessary to reextract a regional node.
  • The Full Copy routing group does not copy every user.
  • You cannot convert a regional node to a headquarters node.

CAUTION:  If the headquarters node encounters a serious error or is not available, then you cannot use the Regional Server - Full Copy routing group to establish a new headquarters node.

About the Regional Server - Standard Routing Group

The Regional Server - Standard routing group uses routing rules to identity the data to copy to the regional database. The data that it copies to the regional database is the data that is visible to connected users who you assign to the regional node. It applies predefined routing rules to determine the data that the Replication Manager parent node copies to the regional node.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Full Copy and Standard Routing Groups

Table 22 describes advantages and disadvantages of the Regional Server - Full Copy routing group and the Regional Server - Standard routing group. Note the following:

  • If Replication Manager routes more than half of the data on the parent node to the regional node, then it might be more beneficial to use Full Copy rather than Standard for optimal performance.
  • Replication Manager supports All views, such as All Opportunities Across Organizations, only on a regional node that is assigned the Regional Server - Full Copy routing group.
Table 22. Advantages and Disadvantages of Full Copy and Standard Routing Groups
Routing Group

Regional Server - Full Copy

Quick data routing because Replication Manager does not use a routing rule.

Replication Manager stores more data at the regional node.

Full access to data for every user.

More network traffic.

Not applicable.

Requires more powerful hardware.

Regional Server - Standard

Replication Manager routes only necessary data.

The Transaction Router must determine the data that the Replication Manager must route, which increases processing time.

Replication Manager stores less data at the regional node, which requires fewer resources.

Not applicable.

Less network traffic.

Not applicable.

Assignment to Multiple Databases

If you assign a user to multiple databases, then Replication Manager synchronizes the data that user can view to each of these databases. If you assign a user to only one database, then this database is a headquarters database or a regional database. An example of a user whom you assign to multiple databases might include assignment to one headquarters database or regional database and one Siebel Remote database.

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