Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Troubleshooting Siebel Remote > Troubleshooting a Synchronization Manager Problem >

Troubleshooting a Bad Connection During Synchronization Problem

This topic describes how to troubleshoot a problem that occurs when connecting to the Siebel Server during synchronization. If this problem occurs, then Siebel Remote typically displays a message that indicates there is a problem with the connection between the remote client and the Siebel Server.

To troubleshoot a bad connection during synchronization problem

  1. Log in to the remote client.
  2. Open a DOS command-line window on the remote client.
  3. To ping the Siebel Server, run the following command from:

    ping name of the server computer

    If you cannot ping the Siebel Server by name, then try pinging the IP address of the Siebel Server. The expected result is that the ping can resolve the host name to an IP address and connect to the computer.

  4. Before attempting to synchronize again, increase the level of tracing on the remote client.

    For more information, see Recovering from a Failure.

    For help with a connection problem, see Getting Help from Oracle. Be prepared to send the syncthrd log file. For more information, see Log Files on the Remote Client.

  5. If the connection is created on the Siebel Server, or if the Synchronization Manager server component is not running, then examine the Synchronization Manager log file.

    For more information, see Naming Conventions for Log Files.

  6. Examine the DockConnString parameter in the [LOCAL_XE] section of the configuration file on the remote client.

    For more information, see Examining the DockConnString Parameter.

  7. If the failure message is Login Failed, then verify that Synchronization Manager references the correct user name and password when it connects to the Siebel database.

    For more information, see Registering a New Password with the Siebel Gateway Name Server.

Examining the DockConnString Parameter

You can examine the DockConnString parameter. For more information, see Formatting the DockConnString Parameter.

To examine the DockConnString parameter

  1. Confirm that the DockConnString parameter is set to the host name of the Siebel Server where this client synchronizes.
  2. Get help.

    For help with examining the DockConnString, see Getting Help from Oracle. Be prepared to send the configuration file. For more information, see Getting Help from Oracle and Modifying the Siebel Configuration File for Siebel Remote.

  3. Modify the port number, if necessary.

    For more information, see Troubleshooting a Problem with the Port Number.

Troubleshooting a Problem with the Port Number

You can troubleshoot the port number.

To troubleshoot a problem with the port number

  1. Modify the port number.

    For more information, see Setting the Port Number.

  2. To test the connection, copy a configuration file from a user who can connect or synchronize to the remote client where the connection problem occurs.

    For more information, see Modifying the Siebel Configuration File for Siebel Remote.

  3. Observe the results and compare the two configuration files for any noticeable differences.
  4. If necessary, try other port numbers until you resolve the problem.

Registering a New Password with the Siebel Gateway Name Server

The correct user name is the system administrator user for Siebel CRM, or SADMIN. It is not the Siebel database table owner, which is SIEBEL or dbo. The system administrator password for Siebel CRM in the Siebel database must match the password that is registered in the Siebel Gateway Name Server. If you modify the password for SADMIN in the Siebel database but not in the Siebel Gateway Name Server, then the you cannot log in to the Server Manager views. You must register a new password.

To register a new password with the Siebel Gateway Name Server

  1. Verify that the Siebel Gateway Name Server service is running.
  2. Navigate to the SIEBEL_ROOT\bin folder.
  3. Open the command line for the Server Manager.

    For more information, see Opening the Command Line Interface for Server Manager.

  4. Enter the following command:

    srvrmgr /g gateway_name /e enterprise_server_name /u user_name /p password


    • gateway_name is the host name of the computer that is running the Siebel Gateway Name Server
    • enterprise_server_name is the name of the Siebel Enterprise Server
    • user_name is the user name of the Siebel administrator
    • password is the password of the Siebel administrator

      CAUTION:  Be careful if you modify the password. An incorrect entry can cause errors to occur throughout Siebel CRM.

  5. When the Server Manager prompt reappears, enter a command like the following:

    srvrmgr> change ent param Password=NewSADMINPassword

  6. Enter exit.

    For an alternative to using Server Manager, see Using Server Configurator Instead of Server Manager.

  7. Stop and then restart the Siebel Server service.
  8. If you have not modified the Siebel database password, then you can use the Server Manager views to modify the system administrator password.
Using Server Configurator Instead of Server Manager

You can use Server Configurator (srvrcfg) instead of Server Manager.

To use Server Configurator instead of Server Manager

  1. Open the command line for Server Configurator.
  2. Enter a command like the following:

    srvrcfg /g gateway_name /e enterprise_server_name /m enterprise /w Password=NewSADMINPassword

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