Siebel Reports Guide > Running Reports >

Scheduling Reports

This topic describes how to schedule a report. Note the following:

To schedule a report

  1. Log in to the client, and then navigate to a view where you must schedule a report.
  2. Click the Reports button in the application toolbar.
  3. In the Run Report pane, choose a report in the Report Name list.
  4. Expand the Schedule section.

    Some reports might not include a schedule. If the Run Report pane does not display the Schedule section, then you must choose another report in the Report Name list. If a report does not include a schedule, then you can configure Siebel CRM to add one. For more information, see Customizing Siebel CRM Reports.

  5. Set the schedule.

    The elements that Siebel CRM displays in the Schedule section depends on the report that you choose in Step 3. The report template that Siebel CRM uses for this report determines the elements that it displays. For more information, see Setting the Schedule for a Report.

    If you cannot access a report, then ask your administrator to assign the XMLP_SCHEDULER responsibility to you. For information, see How Siebel CRM Controls Access to Reports.

  6. (Optional) Enter a custom name.

    For information, see Entering a Custom Name.

  7. Click Submit.

    Siebel CRM displays a message that indicates that it scheduled the report. This message includes a job ID.

  8. Monitor the report status.

    For more information, see Monitoring Report Status.

  9. View the report output.

    For more information, see Viewing Report Output.

Setting the Schedule for a Report

This topic describes how to set the schedule for a report.

To set the schedule for a report

  1. Click the Frequency list in the Schedule Section of the Run Report Pane.
  2. Choose a value using information from the following table.

    Run Immediately

    Siebel CRM runs the report immediately when you click Submit.

    Run Once

    Siebel CRM displays the Run Date element that allows you to specify the time, day, month, and year to run this report. You use the following elements to specify the time:

    • Hour. Choose the hour of the day when Siebel CRM must run the report.
    • Minute. Choose the minutes after the hour when Siebel CRM must run the report.

    For example, if you set Hour to 23, and Minute to 30, then Siebel CRM runs the report at 11:30 PM according to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

    If you click Submit, then Siebel CRM runs the report only one time according to the run date that you specify.

    Run Daily/Weekly

    Siebel CRM displays the following elements, and you can set a value for each of these elements. If you click Submit, then Siebel CRM runs the report according to the values that you specify:

    • Run Time. Specify the hour and minutes after the hour when Siebel CRM must run the report. For example, if you choose 23 in the left Run Time list, and 30 in the right Run Time list, then Siebel CRM runs the report at 11:30 PM according to the time zone that the Oracle BI Publisher Server uses.
    • Start Date. Set the day, month, and year when Siebel CRM must run the first instance of this report. The Start Date and End Date use the date format that the user preference specifies.
    • End Date. Set the day, month, and year when Siebel CRM must run the last instance of this report.
    • Days. Choose the day or days of the week when Siebel CRM must run this report.
    • Public. If you make this button active, then all users can view this report. This button is not active if the client uses a light shade of grey for the letters that it displays on this button.
    • Save Data. If you make this button active, then Siebel CRM saves the unformatted report data in an XML file.
    • Save Output. If you make this button active, then Siebel CRM saves the formatted report output, such as a PDF file, and you can view this output in the Scheduled Reports view.

    Run Monthly

    Siebel CRM displays the same elements that it displays for Run Daily/Weekly, except it does not display the Days element. It also displays the following elements. You can set a value for each of these elements. If you click Submit, then Siebel CRM runs the report according to the values that you specify:

    • Months. Choose the month or months when Siebel CRM must run this report.
    • Dates. Enter the day, days, or a date range when Siebel CRM must run this report. For example, you enter the following value in the Dates field, and if you choose March for the month, then Siebel CRM will run the report on the second, third, and fourth days of March:


      You can also use a comma to chose nonconsecutive dates. For example, if you enter the following value in the Dates field, then Siebel CRM will run the report on the first, third, and fifth days of the month:


Example of Scheduling a Report

The example in this topic runs the By Sales Rep opportunity report in HTML format every Tuesday and Thursday at 10:15 a.m. for a two week period, starting on August 2-15, 2009.

To schedule the By Sales Rep Opportunity report

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, My Opportunities, and then the Opportunity list.
  2. Run a query to filter the number of opportunity records.

    For more information, see Caution About Running Reports with a Large Number of Records.

  3. Click the Reports button in the application toolbar.
  4. In the Run Report pane, set element values using information from the following table.

    Report Name

    By Sales Rep

    Custom Name

    My Opportunities Report

    Output Type


    Report Locale

    English - United States

  5. Expand the Schedule section, and then set the schedule using values from the following table.


    Run Daily/Weekly.

    Run Time

    Choose 23 in the left Run Time list.

    Choose 30 in the right Run Time list.

    Start Date

    Set the day, month, and year.

    End Date

    Set the day, month, and year.


    Choose the day or days of the week when Siebel CRM must run this report. Siebel CRM displays each day as not chosen, by default. You must choose each day that you require Siebel CRM to run the report.


    Make this button active.

    Save Data

    Make this button inactive.

    Save Output

    Make this button active.

  6. Click Submit.
  7. Monitor the report status and view the report output.

    For more information, see Monitoring Report Status and Viewing Report Output.

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