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Configuring the Siebel Java Web Container

The Siebel REST Proxy Object Manager is a background Siebel Server Component that manages the Java Web Container node tasks, such as starting, stopping, or restarting the Java Web Container nodes.

Java Web Container Node configuration information is stored in the following file:

$SIEBEL_ROOT/javacontainer/javacontainer<n>/ file

Each Java Web Container instance has a separate file.

Table 7 describe the configurable fields in the file.

Table 7. Java Web Container file
Property Name
Default Value


The name of the Gateway Server configured on the Siebel Server.

The SiebelRestCompIntMgr reads the values set on the Siebel Server and writes the value into the file.


The Siebel Connection Broker Port configured on the Siebel Server.

The SiebelRestCompIntMgr reads the values set on the Siebel Server and writes the value into the file.


The Enterprise name configured on the Siebel Server.

The SiebelRestCompIntMgr reads the values set on the Siebel Server and writes the value into the file.


The Log level setting for log messages in the Java Web Container.

Values include: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DETAIL, or DEBUG.

The default value is ERROR.


The Object Manager that the Java Web Container should connect to.

The default value is eaiObjMgr_enu. The value can be changed to any Interactive Object Manager that can serve Siebel Server EAI requests.


The language of Object Manager specified in the ObjMgr property.

The default value is Enu. This value can be changed to any language, however, the value must match the value entered for the ObjMgr property.


The Siebel user that the Java Web Container simulates for Anonymous sign-in Requests.

None. This value is based on Siebel Installer inputs.


The Encrypted Password for the Siebel user configured in the AnonUser property.

None. This value is based on Installer inputs.


The URL added to the REST response links.

The default value is: http://<hostname>/siebel-rest/v1.0/.


The maximum percent of Object Manager Tasks to be used by a Java Web Container Node. This property determines the Maximum Number of Requests the Java Web Container Node can serve.

Maximum Requests = (MaxConnections * MaxTasks/MaxMTServers) / 100

The default value is 20. This value can be changed to a value range between 1-100. Invalid values will default to 20. The Maximum Requests value should arrive as an integer.


The minimum percent of Object Manager Tasks that are kept open in the Pool of Connections maintained by the Tomcat Node.

Minimum Connection Pool Size = (MinConnections * MaxTasks/MaxMTServers) / 100

The default Value is 25. This value can be changed to value range between 1-100. Invalid values will default to 25. The Minimum Connection Pool Size value should arrive as an integer. The Minimum Connection Pool Size value cannot be more than Maximum Requests.


The maximum number of Object Manager tasks configured on the Java Web Container Node.

The Siebel REST Proxy Object Manager reads the values set on the Siebel Server and writes it to the file.


The maximum number of Object Manager multithreaded processes configured on the Java Web Container Node.

The Siebel REST Proxy Object Manager reads the values set on the Siebel Server and writes it to the file.


The value of the SessKeepAlive property is the value of the Object Manager configured on the Java Web Container Node.

The Siebel REST Proxy Object Manager reads the values set on the Siebel Server and writes it to the file.


The value of this property indicates the Authentication type. Values include:

  • Basic
  • SSO
  • OAuth

The default value is Basic.


If the Authentication Type value is SSO, then this is the TrustToken expected by Siebel Server for successful authentication.



If the Authentication Type value is OAuth, then this is the URL of the OAuth Service Provider.

For example:




The value of this property is either TRUE or FALSE. A TRUE value means AuthenticationType is SSO.

The default value is False.


The name of the variable on the HTTP Header that should be referenced by the Java Web Container to extract the User Name, in case the AuthenticationType value is SSO.



This property informs the Java Web Container where to look for the User Name value if AuthenticationType value is SSO.

The default value is Header.


The value is either True or False. This parameter is required to bypass the HTTPS secured channel. Oracle does not recommend setting the value for this parameter during production. Rather, you should set the value at the point when it is required to bypass the HTTPS secured channel.

The default value is True.

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