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Configuring the Database for SSSE

SSSE relies on the presence of certain database triggers in your Enterprise database. You can use an Oracle-provided script to create these triggers. A script is also included for removing database triggers. Table 8 lists the script names for various database environments. These scripts are located in the siebsrvr/BIN directory on your Siebel Server.

This task is an optional step in Roadmap for Configuring SSSE.

Table 8. Scripts for Adding and Removing Standard Database Triggers for SSSE
Database Type
Script to Add Database Triggers
Script to Remove Database Triggers




DB2 390



MS SQL Server






If your SSSE implementation includes a significant number of customizations, then you might have to add custom database triggers. For more information about custom triggers, see Process of Customizing SSSE.

NOTE:  SSSE also includes triggers for position change, synchronization level change, and visibility change. For help with changing these triggers, contact your Oracle sales representative for Oracle Advanced Customer Services to request assistance from Oracle's Application Expert Services.

The following procedure briefly describes how to use the scripts that create standard database triggers for SSSE.

To create standard database triggers for SSSE

  1. Determine the names of the following items:
    • The Table Owner for tables in your Siebel database
    • The script to remove SSSE database triggers from your Siebel database
    • The script to add SSSE database triggers to your Siebel database
  2. In case old triggers are present, run the script to remove SSSE database triggers from your Siebel database.
  3. Run the script to add SSSE database triggers to your Siebel database.
  4. Provide the Table Owner name when you are prompted to do so.
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