Siebel Server Sync Guide > Configuring Siebel Server Sync for Microsoft Exchange Server > Modifying Enterprise and Server Component Parameters >

SSSE-Related Siebel Enterprise Server Parameters

Table 7 lists SSSE-related Siebel Enterprise Server parameters. Most of these parameters relate to the PIMSI Engine. If a parameter relates to the PIMSI Dispatcher, then this is indicated.

Table 7. SSSE Siebel Enterprise Server Parameters
Parameter Name
Parameter Alias

Business Service Query Access


The Siebel database and Microsoft Exchange differ in how they store addresses. This parameter specifies the name of the script that is used to combine two Siebel address field values when transmitting address data to Microsoft Exchange, and split one Microsoft Exchange address field value into two values when transmitting address data to the Siebel database. The value for this parameter, SSSE Address Parser (eScript), is set automatically during installation.

Calendar Lock Expire After


The lock on a calendar record expires after the specified number of seconds. A calendar record is locked whenever it is being updated.

Calendar Lock Sleep Time


Time interval that SSSE waits before checking the calendar lock again.

Dispatcher Abort Limit Low B

Applies to the PIMSI Dispatcher component only.


When the PIMSI Dispatcher inspects changed records to determine which users the PIMSI Engine must synchronize, if the total number of changed records to inspect is larger than DispAbortLowBound, then the Dispatcher stops inspecting records individually and sets a flag that notifies the PIMSI Engine to search for changed records for all SSSE users. This improves SSSE performance in situations where large numbers of records are changed frequently.

Dispatcher Abort Limit Per Use

Applies to the PIMSI Dispatcher component only.



The maximum number of updates that the Dispatcher processes for each dispatch cycle. If there are more changes in the Siebel database than this number, then the Dispatcher stops searching for changes and sends dispatch messages for the users determined so far.

Dispatcher Garbage Collection

Applies to the PIMSI Dispatcher component only.



Determines how many times the Dispatcher runs before information that is no longer required is removed from the S_SD_SYNC_INFO table. The S_SD_SYNC_INFO table stores information about data to synchronize. Using default values, this removal of unnecessary information occurs once an hour, because the Dispatcher job is normally run every five minutes.

Dispatcher Notification Frequency

Applies to the PIMSI Dispatcher component only.



If the PIMSI Dispatcher detects that a PIMSI Engine component is not responding correctly, then the Dispatcher signals the Engine to discover whether it can respond. This parameter specifies how many times the Dispatcher requests a response from an unresponsive PIMSI Engine before attempting to recover it.

NOTE:  The PIMSI Dispatcher automatically attempts to recover users' data changes that are being processed on any PIMSI Engine that has failed to respond to the set number of requests. See the Dispatcher log for records of any unresponsive Engines. See the individual Engine logs for information that might help you diagnose why the Engine stopped responding.

Dispatcher Reconciliation Dura

Applies to the PIMSI Dispatcher component only.



Specifies how many seconds the PIMSI Dispatcher waits after signaling a PIMSI Engine. If the Dispatcher does not receive a response within this time period, then the Dispatcher either attempts to recover the Engine or signals it again, depending on whether or not the number of unsuccessful signals has reached the value of the Notification Frequency setting.

Distribution List Query Size


When the Siebel Exchange Connector determines the members of a Distribution List, it requests information about one or more batches of members. This setting specifies the maximum number of members in each batch. Maximum valid value is 1500 for Windows 2003. Minimum value is 1.

Enable Inbound Activity Filter


When set to TRUE for the PIMSI Engine server component, synchronizes calendar and task items that originate in Microsoft Exchange only if the value of the Category field matches a valid Siebel Value for an LOV that has Siebel LIC Type set to TODO_Type.

When this parameter is set to FALSE, SSSE attempts to synchronize all calendar and task items that originate in Microsoft Exchange for each user who has synchronization enabled.

For more information on using this parameter, see:

Extract Start Date Format


Format of the Extract Start Date parameter. Default value is MM/DD/YYYY. SSSE uses the format that you specify in this setting to interpret the value of your ExtractStartDate setting correctly. It is not necessary for this format to match the date format that your Siebel application generally uses. For information on the Extract Start Date parameter, see PIMSI Engine Server Component Parameters.

Force Transcode


Forces text conversion to use transcode. Set this parameter to TRUE if your Siebel implementation uses a transcode database type.

Max Alarm Lead Minutes


This parameter is now obsolete.

Max Extract Request Batch Size

Applies to the PIMSI Dispatcher component only.



Maximum number of user extractions that can be requested in one synchronization request. The default value is 10.

For example, if the Max Extract Request Batch Size parameter is set to 10, and if 1000 users have synchronization enabled, then the PIMSI Dispatcher creates 100 PIMSI Engine jobs, each containing 10 user extractions. The data for 100 users is synchronized at one time, because each PIMSI Engine processes each user in a job sequentially.

When specifying a value for this parameter, consider the number of users who have synchronization enabled, and the number of jobs that your server can process in parallel without affecting performance. If there are multiple users in a single PIMSI Engine job, then data, such as LOVs and system parameters, is queried only once and is shared by the jobs for each user.

Maximum Tasks


The maximum number of PIMSI Engine jobs that can run simultaneously on a single Siebel Server computer. For more information about this setting, see About Tuning SSSE for Optimal Performance.

The value of the Maximum Tasks parameter determines the total number of users who can be synchronized in parallel. For example, if the Maximum Tasks parameter is set to a value of 50, and the PIMSI engine is installed on three Siebel Server computers in your SSSE environment, then 150 users can be synchronized simultaneously.

Only Sync Categorized Contacts


Determines whether or not initial extract operations synchronize only Microsoft Exchange contact records that have the Category field set to a specified value—the value that matches the Siebel domain's PIM Category Value setting—or all contact records. Valid values are TRUE and FALSE, case-insensitive. For more information about this parameter, see Initial Extract and Ongoing Extract and Setting PIM Category Values for Siebel Domains.

Preserve Attachments


Indicates whether or not the Exchange Connector preserves PIM attachments for non Calendar domains. (Calendar attachments are automatically preserved.) If this parameter is set to FALSE, then attachments are removed when the Exchange Connector updates the record in Microsoft Exchange. This setting does not affect Siebel attachments.

Preserve Unmapped Fields


Indicates whether or not the Exchange Connector preserves the data for PIM fields which are not mapped for synchronization for non Calendar domains. If this parameter is FALSE, then any data in an unmapped field is removed from the record in Microsoft Exchange.

Remove Attendees With No Email


If set to TRUE, then do not synchronize attendees who do not have email addresses when synchronizing from Siebel Business Applications to Microsoft Exchange.

Resolve Contact by Email



When synchronizing Microsoft Exchange calendar records with Siebel Business Applications, SSSE categorizes calendar record attendees as contacts or unresolved attendees. When matching attendees to Siebel contact records, the value of the Resolve Contact by Email parameter determines whether or not the attendee and the contact record must have identical email addresses to be considered as matching records.

If the Resolve Contact by Email parameter is TRUE, then an attendee's email address must be identical to the email address of a single Siebel contact record for the records to be considered a match. SSSE does not match records on the basis of matching names if the email address differs (or does not exist).

If the Resolve Contact by Email parameter is FALSE, if an attendee's email address is not identical to the email address of a single contact record, then SSSE searches for a contact record with the same first and last names as the attendee. If a record is found with matching first and last names, then provided that the records do not contain different email addresses, SSSE treats the two records as a match.

Related Topic

Modifying Enterprise and Server Component Parameters

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