Siebel Self Service Administration Guide > Workflows for Siebel Self Service > Workflows for Interview Sessions >

OPA Integration Sub Workflow

This workflow manages the communication between an interview session for a customer and Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) by sending requests to OPA and receiving and processing responses from OPA. Figure 6 shows this workflow.

This workflow does not apply to implementations for release Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later. For such implementations, the OPA Interview Service Sub workflow replaces this workflow. For more information, see OPA Interview Service Sub Workflow.

The OPA Integration Workflow calls this workflow as a subprocess.

Figure 6. OPA Integration Sub Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Has Request Sent. This step evaluates whether a request was sent to OPA with the current session ID during the current interview session. This step calls the HasRequestSent method in the OPA Interface Service business service.
  2. has Request sent? This step determines whether a request was sent to OPA with the current session ID during the current interview session. The workflow terminates if the request was sent.
  3. Get Action. This step evaluates the user action during the interview session and obtains the appropriate action type for that action. Action types include: Start Interview, Investigate, and End Interview. This step calls the Get Action method in the OPA Interface Service business service.
  4. Prepare Request. This step uses the action and the populated user data in the interview session to prepare the request to OPA. This step calls the Prepare Request method in the OPA Interface Service business service.
  5. Hierarchy To XML Doc. This step converts the request from a hierarchy format to an XML format.
  6. Is First Request. This step determines whether the request is the first request by evaluating the sessionId property.
  7. Send Receive without session. This step sends the request without a session ID to OPA if the request is the first request. This method calls the OPA outbound Web service.
  8. Error Handling. This step addresses any Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) fault exceptions.
  9. Send Receive. This step sends the request with a session ID to OPA if the request is not the first request. This method calls the OPA outbound Web service.
  10. Is Last Screen. This step determines whether the current screen is the last screen of the interview session by evaluating the Is Last Screen property.
  11. XML Doc To Hierarchy. This step converts the request from XML format to hierarchy format if the current screen is not the last screen of the interview session.
  12. Process Response. This step processes the response from OPA by converting the response to a flat property set and updating the flat property set into the global session. This step calls the ProcessResponse method in the OPA Interface Service business service.
  13. Save Session Id. This step saves the ID of the interview session as a member variable. Subsequent requests use this variable. This step calls the CasheSessionId method in the OPA Interface Service business service.
  14. has Errors in response? This step determines if the OPA response contains validation errors. The workflow terminates if the OPA response does not contain validations errors.
  15. Show Errors. This step shows the error messages during the interview session if the OPA response contains validation errors and SOAP fault exceptions. This step calls the ShowErrors method in the OPA Interface Service business service.
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