Siebel Self Service Administration Guide > Workflows for Siebel Self Service > Workflows for Interview Sessions >

OPA Get Meta Data Service For PUB Sample Intake Contact Workflow

This workflow prepares a response to a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) GetMetadata request from the Oracle Policy Automation Hub, and sends the PUB Sample Intake Contact integration object to Oracle Policy Automation (OPA). Figure 12 shows this workflow.

This workflow is called when OPA invokes the OPA Metadata Service for PUB Sample Intake Contact Web service with the GetMetadata operation.

Figure 12. OPA Get Meta Data Service For PUB Sample Intake Contact Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Get IO Definition. This step calls the GetIntegrationObjectInfo method from the Integration ObjectInfo Service business service. The input argument to this method is the name of the PUB Sample Intake Contact integration object. This method returns the metadata of the PUB Sample Intake Contact integration object.
  2. Convert to XML. This step calls the IntObjHierToXMLDoc method from the EAI XML Converter business service to convert the hierarchy of the Siebel integration object into an XML document. The input argument to this method is the output of Step 1.
  3. Transform to OPA Response. This step calls the Transform method from the EAI XSLT Service business service to perform the XSL transformation. An input argument to this method is the output of Step 2. Another input argument to this method is XSLTFileLocation with a value of ../XSLT/GetMetaDataResp.xsl. This method returns the transformed data.
  4. XML Doc to IO Hier. This step calls the GetIntegrationObjectInfo method from the Integration ObjectInfo Service business service to convert the transformed XML document into the get-metadata-response integration object. An input argument to this method is the output of Step 3. Another input argument to this method is IntObjectName with a value of get-metadata-response. The converted output is sent to OPA.
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