Siebel CTI Administration Guide > Configuring Siebel CTI >

Creating or Modifying a Communications Configuration

This topic describes how to create or modify a communications configuration. It contains the following information:

In the Administration - Communications screen, use the All Configurations view to create or modify a communications configuration.

After you create a communications configuration, you must create and associate parameters, profiles, agents, events, and commands in order for the configuration to be functional.

Create as many separate configurations as you might need in order to group agents who require similar settings for all of the applicable configuration parameters. For an example of a parameter that might have to be set differently for different sets of agents, see the description of the AutoLoadDriver parameter.

TIP:   Rather than using the Administration - Communications screen to create or modify communications configuration data directly, you can export some of the data to files and modify or extend it using a text editor. Then you can import the data into the test or production Siebel database when you are ready to test, deploy, or update the communications configuration.

Related Topics

Specifying Parameters for a Communications Configuration

Parameters for Communications Configurations

Configuring Communications Drivers and Profiles

Specifying Agents

Defining Communications Events

Defining Communications Commands

Exporting and Importing Communications Configuration Data

Creating a Communications Configuration

Use the following procedure to create a communications configuration.

To create a communications configuration

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen, then the All Configurations view.

    The All Configurations view appears.

  2. In the Configurations list, add a new record.
  3. In the Name field, enter the name of the configuration.
  4. Add any comments.
  5. As appropriate, create or associate elements such as parameters, profiles, agents, commands, and event handlers, as described later in this chapter.

Modify an Existing Communications Configuration

Use the following procedure to modify an existing communications configuration.

To modify an existing communications configuration

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen, then the All Configurations view.

    The All Configurations view appears.

  2. In the Configurations list, select the record for the configuration to edit.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. As appropriate, create or associate elements such as parameters, profiles, agents, commands, and event handlers, as described later in this chapter.
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