Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension >

Configuring the Siebel Enterprise

The task for configuring the Siebel Enterprise lets you configure authentication using Siebel security adapters, TLS encryption, and related settings. Many of the security settings also apply to configuring the SWSE logical profile. For detailed information about the security settings in the Configuration Wizards, see Siebel Security Guide.

NOTE:  After you initially configure the Siebel Enterprise, you can use this wizard to modify many of the configuration settings for an existing Siebel Enterprise. You can also configure many of these settings in the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard, to override Siebel Enterprise-level settings for the current Siebel Server. In addition, you can modify the Siebel Enterprise configuration by using Siebel Server Manager. For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

This task is a step in:

Related Topics

About Configuring Siebel Business Applications

Starting a Siebel Configuration Wizard

More Information About Using the Siebel Configuration Wizards

Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components

To configure the Siebel Enterprise

  1. Start the Siebel Enterprise Configuration Wizard.

    For more information, see Starting a Siebel Configuration Wizard.

  2. Choose Create New Configuration, then Configure a New Enterprise in a Gateway Name Server.
  3. Provide input as described in Table 9. Click Next to go to the next screen.

    Where it is available, click Help to display help text with more information about the settings.

    NOTE:  You can click Cancel to exit the Configuration Wizard before you complete the configuration.

    After you specify or confirm all of your selections, the summary screen appears.

  4. In the summary screen, do one of the following:
    • Click Next again to complete the configuration. Go to the next step.
    • Optionally, save a response file in this screen, to use in an unattended configuration, then click Cancel to exit the Configuration Wizard without completing configuration.
  5. After configuration is complete, click Exit to exit the Configuration Wizard.

    To help you to verify that the configuration completed successfully, the log file is referenced at the end of the configuration task.

Configuration Settings for the Siebel Enterprise

Table 9 describes the settings that are requested in the Siebel Configuration Wizard for configuring a new Siebel Enterprise or modifying an existing Siebel Enterprise. Where it is available, you can click Help to display help text with more information about the settings.

For requirements and restrictions for these parameters, see Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components. For additional information about many of these parameters, see Siebel System Administration Guide and Siebel Security Guide.

Parameters that are set as a result of configuring the Siebel Enterprise are set at the Siebel Enterprise level or set for named subsystems such as for a data source or security adapter.

Table 9. Settings for Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Setting in Siebel Configuration Wizard (Parameter)

Gateway Name Server Authentication User Account Name

Specify the user name for the account, usually a database account, that you are using for Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication. For more information about this account and the associated requirements, see Requirements for Siebel Gateway Name Server Authentication.

NOTE:  The first time that you configure a Siebel Enterprise (before authentication settings have been propagated to the Siebel Gateway Name Server), the user account name and password fields have no effect.

Gateway Name Server Authentication User Account Password

Specify the password for the account that you are using for Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication.

Gateway Name Server Host Name

Specify the host name of the computer on which the Siebel Gateway Name Server is installed. For more information, see Restrictions on Host Names for Siebel Gateway Name Server and Siebel Server.

Gateway Name Server TCP/IP Port

Specify the port number that the Siebel Gateway Name Server uses for connections from Siebel Server or other components. The default port number is 2320. Use the port number that you specified when you configured the Siebel Gateway Name Server.

Siebel Enterprise Name

Specify the name that you want for the Siebel Enterprise. For more information, see Restrictions on Names for Siebel Enterprise and Siebel Server.

Enterprise Description


Provide a short description for the Siebel Enterprise.

Primary Siebel File System


Specify the location or locations of the Siebel File System. For more information, see Creating the Siebel File System.

Database Platform

The RDBMS options for the Siebel database are:

  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition
  • IBM DB2 UDB for Linux UNIX Windows
  • IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS
  • Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server Host Name

(Microsoft SQL Server only)

Microsoft SQL Server Database Name

(Microsoft SQL Server only)

Database Table Owner


(Oracle Database, DB2, or DB2 for z/OS only)

IBM DB2 Database Alias

(DB2 only)

Current IBM DB2 SQL ID / Group Name

(DB2 for z/OS only)

Oracle SQLNet Connect String

(Oracle Database only)

Siebel Database User Account Name

(For all database platforms)

Siebel Database User Account Password

(For all database platforms)

Enterprise Security Authentication Profile

The options are:

  • Database Authentication (default). Corresponds to SecAdptMode parameter value DB.
  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Authentication. Corresponds to SecAdptMode parameter value LDAP.
  • Custom Security Authentication, using the Security SDK. Corresponds to SecAdptMode parameter value CUSTOM.
  • Active Directory (ADSI) Authentication (Windows only). Corresponds to SecAdptMode parameter value ADSI.

Database authentication is enabled by default. After you configure a different security adapter, that adapter is not yet enabled for use.

If you enable a security adapter after configuring it, then manually set the parameter SecAdptMode using one of the listed values. For example, do so for an Application Object Manager component for which you are enabling a security adapter, such as the security adapter for LDAP.

NOTE:  Although database authentication is supported for development environments only, it is strongly recommended that you keep database authentication enabled for the Siebel Enterprise. As applicable for your deployment, enable any non-database security adapter for individual servers or components only, using Server Manager.

If, later in the same Configuration Wizard session, you select the option Propagate Authentication Settings to the Gateway Name Server, then the settings are also propagated for Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication. For more information, see Requirements for Siebel Gateway Name Server Authentication. For more information about all of the authentication options, see Siebel Security Guide.

Security Adapter Name (named subsystem)

In general, it is recommended that you accept the default security adapter name. The default name depends on the type of security adapter that you are configuring. Default names are as follows:

  • DBSecAdpt
  • LDAPSecAdpt
  • CUSTOMSecAdpt
  • ADSISecAdpt

If you enable a security adapter after configuring it, then manually set the parameter SecAdptName to the same name. For example, do so for an Application Object Manager component for which you are enabling a security adapter, such as the security adapter for LDAP. For more information about all of the authentication options, see Siebel Security Guide.

Security Authentication Library CRC Checksum


LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.

NOTE:  This option does not apply to database authentication. The same is true for all of the remaining authentication settings, except those for Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication.

Directory Server Domain Name


LDAP or ADSI authentication only.

LDAP Port Configuration


LDAP authentication only. The default port numbers are 389 or 636 (secure).

Network TCP/IP Port Number


LDAP authentication only.

Siebel Username Attribute


LDAP or ADSI authentication only.

Siebel Password Attribute


LDAP authentication only.

Credentials Attribute


LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.

LDAP Roles Attribute (optional)


LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.

Shared Database Account Distinguished Name


LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.

Store shared database user credentials as parameters

LDAP or ADSI authentication only.

Shared Database Account

LDAP or ADSI authentication only.

Shared Database Account Password

LDAP or ADSI authentication only.

Siebel Application Distinguished Name (DN)


LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.

Application Password


LDAP or ADSI authentication only.

Configure Web Single Sign-On (Web SSO)


LDAP or ADSI authentication only.

User Specification


LDAP or ADSI authentication only.

Shared Secret


LDAP or ADSI authentication only.

TLS Database Certificate File


LDAP authentication only.

Hash User Passwords


LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.

Hash Database Passwords


LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.

Salt User Passwords


LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.

Salt Attribute


LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.

Security Adapter Mapped User Name


LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.

Siebel User ID Attribute


LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.

Base Distinguished Name (DN)


LDAP or ADSI authentication only.

Propagate Change


LDAP or ADSI authentication only.

Propagate Authentication Settings to the Gateway Name Server

Select this option to propagate authentication settings that you made to the Siebel Gateway Name Server.

NOTE:  The first time that you specify the Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication settings at the start of the task, you must select this check box. Subsequently, select this box only when you are changing existing settings.

Microsoft SQL Server Port Number

(Microsoft SQL Server only)

This option appears only when database authentication for Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication is used, and you are propagating authentication settings to the Siebel Gateway Name Server.

Additional Tasks for Configuring the Enterprise

The items listed represent categories of additional optional selections for creating a new Siebel Enterprise.

  • Enterprise Network Security Encryption Type
  • Data Quality Products and Connectors

Tasks for Modifying Enterprise Configurations

The items listed represent categories of optional selections for modifying an existing Siebel Enterprise.

  • Enterprise Network Security Encryption Type
  • Data Quality Products and Connectors
  • Enterprise Security Authentication Default

Siebel Data Quality Matching

Appears only if you selected Data Quality Products and Connectors in a prior screen. Choose None or Siebel Data Quality Connector.

Security Encryption Level or Type

(Crypt and ConnType)

This setting and all of the remaining items appear only if you selected Enterprise Network Security Encryption Type in a prior screen. Secure options are:

  • SISNAPI Without Encryption
  • SISNAPI Using RSA Encryption Algorithm
  • SISNAPI Using TLS 1.2
  • SISNAPI Using Microsoft Crypto Enhanced API Encryption

Certificate File Name


This item and all of the remaining items appear only if you selected one of the TLS options in Security Encryption Level or Type. For more information, see Siebel Security Guide.

Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate File Name


For more information, see Siebel Security Guide.

Private Key File Name


For more information, see Siebel Security Guide.

Private Key File Password


For more information, see Siebel Security Guide.

Enable Peer Authentication


For more information, see Siebel Security Guide.

Validate Peer Certificate


For more information, see Siebel Security Guide.

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