Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation >

Verifying Installation for the Siebel Enterprise Server

After installing the Siebel Enterprise Server software as a new installation or as a migration installation, review the installation log files, verify the version number of your installed software, and review the Siebel Enterprise Server directories and files that now exist under the SIEBEL_ROOT directory that you specified during the installation.

NOTE:  Additional top-level directories are created, which are parallel to the directories for the Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Server, and so on. These directories include ccr for Oracle Configuration Manager files, config for Siebel Configuration Wizard files, cfgtoollogs for installation log files, opatch for files related to the opatch utility, oui for files related to Oracle Universal Installer, and so on.

TIP:   In addition to performing the steps described in this topic and related topics about verifying installation, perform any other tasks that might be necessary for verifying that your Siebel CRM software is functioning correctly. At the minimum, for example, after you install and configure all of the key components, including the Siebel Enterprise Server software, Siebel database, and Siebel Web Server Extension, and perform the basic verification steps for each component, start a suitable browser and log in (using valid credentials) to one of the Siebel Business Applications that your deployment supports. Access various screens and views in the application and make sure that the application functions properly and that the necessary seed data is present. Try this for all of the Siebel applications and languages that your deployment must support. Additional testing considerations are outside the scope of this document.

This topic contains the following information:

Related Topic

Installing Siebel Enterprise Server

Reviewing the Installation Log Files for Siebel Enterprise Server

After installing the Siebel Enterprise Server components, review the installation log files to verify that all of the components installed successfully, particularly if you experienced any difficulties with the installation. The log files are created in the following directory:


The relevant log files for an installation session are named installActionsdate_time.log file. In the file name, date_time represents the date and time when the file was created; for example, installActions2015-07-02_10-28-04PM.log. For each set of files created, the oldest and largest log file generally represents the Siebel module being installed.

Verifying the Installation Version Number for Siebel Enterprise Server

After installing the Siebel Enterprise Server components, verify the version number of installed software.

To verify the installation version number for Siebel Enterprise Server

  1. Open a DOS window.
  2. Set the value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to correspond to your top-level installation location, such as C:\siebel\\ses for an installation of Siebel Enterprise Server software. For example, you might enter a command like this:

    set ORACLE_HOME=C:\siebel\\ses

  3. Navigate to the opatch directory within your installation. For example, you might enter a command like this:

    cd C:\siebel\\ses\opatch

  4. Enter the following command:

    opatch lsinventory

    The installed components within the specified Oracle home are displayed, with the version number as managed by Oracle Universal Installer. For example, the version number shown for your installed software might be 16.0.

Reviewing the Installation Directories for Siebel Gateway Name Server

After installing the Siebel Gateway Name Server, review the directory structure created by the installer.

The Siebel Gateway Name Server is installed in the SIEBEL_GATEWAY_ROOT directory within the Siebel root directory that you specified during the installation. The default installation location is C:\siebel\\ses\gtwysrvr. Verify that the following Siebel Gateway Name Server directories and files now exist in the installation directory. In the list, lang represents each language that you have installed, such as ENU for U.S. English.

gtwysrvr. Top-level directory for Siebel Gateway Name Server.


ADMIN. The template files used for scripts that control the running and configuration of the Siebel Gateway Name Server.


BIN. Siebel Gateway Name Server start script, stop script, and executable programs.


LOCALE. Language-specific files and scripts. These are not configurable.



lang. Language-specific files and scripts. These are not configurable.


LOG. Siebel Gateway Name Server log files.

Reviewing the Installation Directories for Siebel Server

After installing the Siebel Server, review the directory structure created by the installer.

The Siebel Server is installed in the SIEBSRVR_ROOT directory within the Siebel root directory that you specified during the installation. The default installation location is C:\siebel\\ses\siebsrvr. Verify that the following Siebel Server directories and files now exist in the installation directory. In the list, lang represents each language that you have installed, such as ENU for U.S. English.

NOTE:  The OBJECTS directory contains the SRF file. Monitoring of any SRF files by virus scanning software might significantly degrade Siebel Server performance. If you have virus scanning software installed on your computers, then configure it to skip SRF files. Because these files are binary data files, the risk of virus infection is low, and so excluding these files from scanning is usually acceptable. Alternatively, you can scan SRF files less frequently than other files.

siebsrvr. Top-level directory for Siebel Server.


ADMIN. The template files used for scripts that control the running and configuration of Siebel Server.


APACHE. Files used by embedded instances of Apache Tomcat, which supports Siebel REST services and other functionality. See also Siebel REST API Guide.


BIN. Binary file directory, containing executable programs, scripts, and language subdirectories related to language-specific server components. Also contains files used by Oracle Global Customer Support for installation workarounds.


BSCRIPTS. Web server-related files.




DBTEMPL. Contains dictionary and local database files required by Siebel Remote for regional users and Mobile Web Client users.


DOCKING. Contains transaction files, visibility, and other databases required by Siebel Remote.


HELP. Contains help files.


INPUT. Contains files related to Siebel Remote.


INPUT. Contains files related to Siebel Remote.


jre8. Contains files for Java Runtime Environment.


LEX. Language-related files.


LOCALE. Contains language-specific files. These files are not configurable.



lang. Language-specific files and scripts. These are not configurable.


LOG. Contains client and utility log files.


LOGARCHIVE. Archive of client and utility log files.


MSGTEMPL. Stores language-specific files for mail merge.


NLP. Contains natural-language processing files.


OBJECTS. Contains language-specific Siebel Repository files.


OUTPUT. Contains files related to Siebel Remote.


REPORTS. Contains the report executable programs used by Siebel Proposals to include reports in proposals.


SDQConnector. Contains the DLLs, configuration files, and other files necessary to connect the Siebel Data Quality Universal Connector to one or more external data quality products. An external data quality product is validated though Oracle's partner initiative.


SEARCH. Contains the indexes and scripts used to administer and execute searches.


SQLTEMPL. Contains SQL statements used by Siebel Server components. Do not modify these files.


TEMP. Stores temporary files for use by the Siebel Server.


UPGRADE. Contains files and scripts related to version upgrades of Siebel Business Applications. Also holds temporary, backup, and state log files used during an upgrade.


upgrade.log. File that contains information logged during an upgrade.


WEBTEMPL. Contains Siebel Web templates and HTML files that support the applets and views required for Siebel Web Clients for Siebel Business Applications. Store your own custom Web template files or HTML files only in the custom subdirectory. For more information, see Configuring Siebel Open UI.


XML. Web server-related files.

Reviewing the Installation Directories for Siebel Database Configuration Utilities

After installing the Siebel Database Configuration Utilities, review the directory structure created by the installer.

The Siebel Database Configuration Utilities software is installed in the DBSRVR_ROOT directory within the Siebel root directory that you specified during the installation. The default installation location is C:\siebel\\ses\dbsrvr. Verify that the following Siebel Database Configuration Utilities directories and files now exist in the installation directory. In the list, lang represents each language that you have installed, such as ENU for U.S. English.

dbsrvr. Top-level directory for Siebel Database Configuration Utilities.


BIN. Contains files for internal use.


COMMON. Contains database platform-independent files.


DB_SERVER (ORACLE, DB2UDB, DB2390, or MSSQL). Contains scripts specific to your database, including upgrade scripts for previous versions of Siebel Business Applications.



DBOUTPUT (IBM DB2 for z/OS only). Contains subdirectories in which DDL is deposited by the installer for later transfer to the DB2 host when the Siebel Schema installation option Generate DDL Into Files is chosen.



SIEBPROC (IBM DB2 only). Contains User Defined Functions (UDFs) and stored procedures for IBM DB2, by operating system. See also Installing the Stored Procedures and User-Defined Functions on IBM DB2.




AIX. UDFs and stored procedures for IBM DB2 on AIX.




HPUX. UDFs and stored procedures for IBM DB2 on HP-UX.




LINUX. UDFs and stored procedures for IBM DB2 on Linux.




SOLARIS. UDFs and stored procedures for IBM DB2 on Oracle Solaris.




WIN32. UDFs and stored procedures for IBM DB2 on Windows.



SQLPROC (IBM DB2 only). Contains subdirectories that contain the binary files that are required to install stored procedures. These stored procedures perform data migration as part of an upgrade.




AIX. Stored procedures for IBM DB2 on AIX.




HPUX. Stored procedures for IBM DB2 on HP-UX.




LINUX. Stored procedures for IBM DB2 on Linux.




SOLARIS. Stored procedures for IBM DB2 on Oracle Solaris.




WIN32. Stored procedures for IBM DB2 on Windows.



STORPROC (IBM DB2 for z/OS only). Contains stored procedures for DB2 for z/OS.



UPGRADE. Directories containing files to enable upgrading from specific versions of Siebel Business Applications that are supported for upgrade to the current release.


LANG. Contains language-specific and database-specific files for the ancestor Siebel Repository and supporting files. For example, ENU contains language-specific files for U.S. English, and DEU contains language-specific files for German.


FILES. This directory contains sample file attachments. You must copy these files to the appropriate subdirectory of the Siebel File System. See Populating the Siebel File System.


LOCALE. Contains translation files (for Oracle use only).

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