Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation >

Verifying Installation for Siebel Tools

After installing Siebel Tools, as a new installation or as a migration installation, review the installation log files, verify the version number of your installed software, and review the Siebel Tools directories and files that now exist under the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT directory that you specified during the installation.

This topic contains the following information:

Related Topic

Installing Siebel Tools

Verifying Installation for Oracle Database XE

Reviewing the Installation Log Files for Siebel Tools

After installing Siebel Tools, review the installation log files to verify that all of the components installed successfully, particularly if you experienced any difficulties with the installation. The log files are created in the following directory:


The relevant log files for an installation session are named installActionsdate_time.log file. In the file name, date_time represents the date and time when the file was created; for example, installActions2015-07-02_10-28-04PM.log. For each set of files created, the oldest and largest log file generally represents the Siebel module being installed.

Verifying the Installation Version Number for Siebel Tools

After installing Siebel Tools, verify the version number of the installed software.

To verify the installation version number for Siebel Tools

  1. Open a DOS window.
  2. Set the value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to correspond to your installation location, such as C:\siebel\\Tools. For example, you might enter a command like this:

    set ORACLE_HOME=C:\siebel\\Tools

  3. Navigate to the opatch directory within your installation. For example, you might enter a command like this:

    cd C:\siebel\\Tools\opatch

  4. Enter the following command:

    opatch lsinventory

    Installed components within the specified Oracle home are displayed, with the version number as managed by the Oracle Universal Installer software. For example, the version number of an installation of Siebel CRM version 16.0 is shown as 16.0.

Reviewing the Installation Directories for Siebel Tools

The following minimum directories are created for a Siebel Tools installation. These directories, the files and subdirectories they contain, and various other files are created in the directory that you specified during the installation, such as C:\Siebel\\Tools. Use Windows Explorer to verify the directory structure on your computer. In the list, lang represents each language that you have installed, such as ENU for U.S. English.

NOTE:  The objects directory contains the SRF file. Monitoring of any SRF file by virus scanning software might significantly degrade Siebel Tools performance. If you have virus scanning software installed on your computers, then configure it to skip SRF files. Because these files are binary data files, the risk of virus infection is low, and so excluding these files from scanning is usually acceptable. Alternatively, you can scan SRF files less frequently than other files.

SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT. The directory for the Siebel Tools installation, such as C:\siebel\\Tools (or a similar location). This installation directory contains the subdirectories identified here. You can change the name during the installation process. For more information, see Requirements for Installing Siebel Tools.


All binary files (.exe, .dll, .cfg, .dsn, .enu, .bat), configuration files, and user preference files.


Language-specific DLL files.


Siebel Tools program library files.


Siebel Tools binary files.


Siebel Tools executable files.


Contains installation log files.


Java code files.














Examples of Java code files.


Examples of Java code files.


Siebel Tools help files.


Help files for the language that you installed.


The local, extracted database.


Local file attachments.


Not used for Siebel Tools.


Not used for Siebel Tools.


Text files for installed languages containing version information.


Log files from Siebel Tools operations.


Message files.


Location of the compiled Siebel Repository file used by Siebel Tools (siebel_sia.srf). Also the default location for SRF files created using the Siebel Tools object compiler.


Files used by the opatch utility.


The installation path for Oracle Database XE. This directory is created if you have installed that module for the local database, as described in Installing and Using Oracle Database XE for the Local or Sample Database.


Contains the default HTML file (default.htm) and also subdirectories such as files, fonts, htmltemplates, images, and scripts. CSS files are located in the files directory, for example.


Location of the XML files used by the maintenance update wizard. All log files generated by this wizard are also created under reppatch\log.


Location of Java scripts.


SQL statement fragments used by certain Siebel Tools operations.


Temporary working area.


Not used for Siebel Tools.


Contains Siebel Web templates and HTML files that support the applets and views required for Siebel Web Clients for Siebel Business Applications. Store your own custom Web template files or HTML files only in the custom subdirectory. For more information, see Configuring Siebel Open UI

Verifying Successful Installation of Siebel Tools

After installing Siebel Tools, verify that installation was successful by starting Siebel Tools and connecting to the Siebel database.

To verify that the Siebel Tools installation completed successfully

  • Start Siebel Tools and log in to the Siebel database.

Verifying Directory Permissions for Siebel Tools

After installing Siebel Tools, verify that the Siebel Tools user has sufficient permissions to read and write data to the Siebel Tools installation directory.

To verify directory permissions for Siebel Tools

  1. Select the Siebel Tools root directory and right-click on it.
  2. Choose Properties and go to the Sharing tab.
  3. Make sure that the Siebel Tools user has read and write access.

In addition, in user account properties, the Siebel Tools user must not be defined as a restricted user in the group membership section.

Verifying the ODBC Data Sources for Siebel Tools

The Siebel Tools installer creates the ODBC data sources described in Table 16. By default, these are created as system data sources, which are visible to all of the user accounts on the computer where Siebel Tools is installed.

Table 16. Siebel Tools ODBC Data Sources
Data Source


Connects to the local database using Oracle Database XE.


Connects to the sample database using Oracle Database XE.

SSD default instance

Connects to the Microsoft SQL Server database or the Oracle Database.


Connects to the IBM DB2 database.

For Oracle Database, verify that the following registry keys are set as shown. These values are required in order for the ODBC driver to behave correctly.

PacketSize = 0
EnableScrollableCursors = 0
ColumnsAsChar = 1
ColumnSizeAsCharacter = 1

For more information about how to run the Microsoft ODBC Administrator to verify ODBC data sources, see Verifying the ODBC Data Source. See also Requirements for Installing Siebel Tools.

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