Siebel Smart Answer Guide > Using the Siebel Smart Answer Administration Tool > Assigning and Managing Categories for Corpus Entries >

Expected Format for a Bulk Import CSV file

The supported fields for a Siebel Smart Answer CSV import for email is a subset of those exported by Outlook Express and include: Subject, Body, From: (Name), From: (Address), To: (Name), To: (Address).

The only mandatory field for import is the Body field. An example of an import file with the fields Subject, Content, and Categories might look like the following:

Line 1: Subject, Content, Categories

Line 2: stains, I can not get the ink stains out of my cotton shirt using your product, apparel

Line 3: coffee, The coffee tasted bitter after sitting in the freezer for two weeks, food

NOTE:  If you want to add a document as an entry to the CVS bulk import, you can fill or specify the Body and Categories field and dump the text of the document into the Body field.

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