Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide > Querying System Log Files >

Filtering LFA Queries

Use the show command to further refine the output of saved queries. For information about querying log files and creating saved queries, see Creating and Saving LFA Queries.

For information about displaying a saved query or multiple saved queries, see Displaying Saved Query Output.

To filter saved query information

  • Enter:

    show query_name where_clause


    • query_name is the query command output stored in memory under this name.
    • where_clause is the WHERE clause used to filter display results using key words.

For a list of key words available for use with the Log File Analyzer (LFA), see Listing Query Command Key Words. The syntax of where clauses used with the show command are similar to those used with the query commands. Review Creating and Saving LFA Queries for more information.

Use multiple where clause conditions and the logical operators AND and OR to further filter an individual or multiple saved queries. For examples of these types of commands, see Examples of Filtered Saved Queries.

To save filtered output from the show command, save the results to a text file. For description of this task, see Saving Log File Analyzer Output to Text Files. Filtered output from the show command cannot be saved in memory.

Examples of Filtered Saved Queries

The following examples display the type of filtering available on saved queries using the show command.

  • show aquery where user = asmith

    This command filters the saved query aquery for information specific to user asmith.

  • show aquery where user = asmith and literal = Parameter time from "2015-05-05 15:20:20" to "2015-05-05 15:30:00" > out.dat

    This command filters the saved query aquery for information on user asmith and the literal value parameter between the time of 3:20 and 3:30 PM on May 05, 2015. The command also stores the results of the filtered query to a text file named out.dat.

  • show aquery, bquery where user = asmith and literal = Parameter time from "2015-05-05 15:20:20" to "2015-05-05 15:30:00" > out.dat

    This command filters the saved queries aquery and bquery based on the same conditions in the previous bullet.

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