Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide > Monitoring Siebel Server Run-Time Operations >

How Siebel Process Failure Diagnostics Work

Siebel process failure diagnostics collects data for use by administrators to diagnose and troubleshoot a variety of failed Siebel Server processes.

The SvrTaskPersist component of the SystemAux component group handles the diagnostic data collection. This component uses the SIEBEL_DIAG_STORE environment variable as a location store to retrieve the diagnostic data (FDR file, crash.txt file, component log file, failure summary, and so on).

The administrator can use the siebprocdiag command-line utility to output the process failure data to any path you specify for future retrieval. The utility scans the SIEBEL_ROOT/bin directory and collects the various files for each process failure and copies them to the specified directory. For example, if you execute the following command for Windows, then the process failure files are copied to d:\temp:

siebprocdiag d:\temp

For information about configuring system environment variables and using server management utilities, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Related Topics

About Siebel Process Failure Diagnostics

Scenario for Working with Siebel Process Failure Diagnostics

Investigating Failed Siebel Server Processes

Example of Investigating a Failed Siebel Server Process

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