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Methods That the CSSBCActivity Class Can Reference

This topic describes the methods that the CSSBCActivity class can reference. It includes the following topics:

You can specify each method in the Method property of a class method. This class method is a child of the CSSBCActivity class. These methods are mostly defined for coding purposes. Calling a method directly requires analysis and testing.

Clear Grid Begin End Date Method

The ClearGridBeginEndDate method returns the business component to regular mode after the SetGridBeginEndDate method sets it to calendar mode. For more information, see Set Grid Begin End Date Method.

You can configure Siebel CRM to call the ClearGridBeginEndDate method from an applet, business component, or business service. You can configure Siebel CRM to call this method from any item described in Calling a Method except from a custom command or external interface.

Complete Activity Method

The CompleteActivity method saves the activity record and determines the costs associated with an activity. It then updates the parts, time, and expense records of the activity with the costs of each item according to the price list, rate list, and cost list.

Siebel CRM calls the Complete Activity business service when it saves an activity. This business service calls the CompleteActivity method. It typically uses this method with the Action business component. You can use it with other business components that reference the CSSBCActivity class.

If the applet is in query mode, then Siebel CRM cannot call this method.

You can configure Siebel CRM to call the CompleteActivity method from an applet, business component, or business service. You can configure Siebel CRM to call it from any item described in Calling a Method except from an external interface.

Is Primary In MVG Method

If the user is the primary in the multivalue group of a specified field, then the IsPrimaryInMVG method returns a value of Y. You can use this method to determine whether or not Siebel CRM allows the user to do operations that only the primary in the multivalue group can do. For example, only the primary can modify the primary.

You can configure Siebel CRM to call this method only from a server script or browser script that resides on an applet, business component, or business service.

Table 4 describes the arguments that you can use with the IsPrimaryInMvg method.

Table 4. Arguments That You Can Use with the IsPrimaryInMvg Method


Specifies the name of the field that Siebel CRM examines.

Set Employee Id Method

The SetEmployeeId method sets the criteria of the next SQL query that resides in the current activity business component to the row ID and login that Siebel CRM provides as input arguments. This configuration allows the user to view employee records in the calendar.

You can configure Siebel CRM to call this method only from a server script or browser script that resides on an applet, business component, or business service.

Table 5 describes the arguments that you can use with the SetEmployeeId method.

Table 5. Arguments That You Can Use with the SetEmployeeId Method


Specifies the row ID of the employee. Siebel CRM returns the calendar records for this employee.


Specifies the login of the employee. Siebel CRM returns the calendar records for this employee.

Set Grid Begin End Date Method

The SetGridBeginEndDate method sets the business component to Calendar mode and sets the beginning and ending dates for the grid.

Siebel CRM requires this method in a script that manipulates the business component in Calendar mode, such as manipulating an instances of a recurring activity.

CAUTION:  To avoid a performance problem, it is recommended that you set the date interval so that Siebel CRM does not return a large number of records. For example, no more than 1000 records. You typically set this interval to a month or a week.

You can configure Siebel CRM to call this method only from a server script or browser script that resides on an applet, business component, or business service.

Table 6 describes the arguments that you can use with the SetGridBeginEndDate method. Each argument uses the following format:


Table 6. Arguments That You Can Use with the SetGridBeginEndDate Method


Specifies the beginning date for the grid in the time zone that the object manager uses. Siebel CRM interprets the beginning time for this date as midnight at the beginning of the day.


Specifies the ending date for the grid. Siebel CRM interprets the ending time for this date as midnight at the end of the day.

You can use the Clear Grid Begin End Date Method method to modify the mode that the business component uses when it modifies the mode from Calendar mode to regular mode.

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