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Calling Methods from Applets

The Named Method n applet user property calls a business component or business service method, or sets a field value. You can use it instead of scripting. The value for this user property must include a value that depends on the following action that Siebel CRM must perform:

  • You can use the following format to set a field value:

    "Name", "SET", "Field", "Expression"

    If Siebel CRM calls Name, then it uses Expression to set the value of Field.

  • You can use the following format to call a business component method:

    "Name", "Action", "BusComp", "Method"

    If Siebel CRM calls Name, then it calls Method of the BusComp according to the Action. For a list of actions, see Table 15.

  • You can use the following format to call a business service method:

    "Name", "Action", "BusComp", "Service", "Method"

    If Siebel CRM calls Name, then it calls Method from the Service business service of the BusComp business component according to Action. For a list of actions, see Actions That You Can Use with the Named Method n User Property for Applets.

It might be necessary for you to configure Siebel CRM to start an action in reply to a data modification. For example, if Siebel CRM creates, deletes, or updates a record. You can configure Siebel CRM to start the reply before or after it applies the date modification. You can use a user property to create this automated reply without creating a custom script.

You can use this applet user property with the following classes:

  • CSSFrameBase
  • CSSFrameListBase

You can specify this user property with or without the numeric suffix. For more information, see Numbering Instances of a User Property and Calling Business Service Methods from Business Components.

Format You Must Use with the Named Method n Applet User Property

You must enclose each item that you include in the value of this user property in double quotation marks. You must use a comma and a space to separate each item. If a value includes a hyphen or parenthesis, then you must enclose this value in another set of single quotation marks or two more sets of double quotation marks. For example, if Siebel CRM must send the O2 Repair - Create Notification workflow process as a value for a parameter, then you use the following format:

"'O2 Repair - Create Notification'" or """O2 Repair - Create Notification"""

For more information, see How This Book Describes the User Property Format.

You can append more parameters to an expression. If you use a business service action, then Siebel CRM sends this expression as a property set. You must use a name and value pair instead of an array of strings. For example:

"NameExpr", "ValueExpr"

Calling Methods in a Specific Order

You can use the Named Method n applet user property to call methods in a specific order. For example, you can use it to update a legacy system with new account records after Siebel CRM creates a new account record. The following code saves the record in Siebel CRM, and then calls a workflow process that updates the legacy system:

Named Method 2: WriteRecord
'INVOKE', 'WriteRecord', 'INVOKESVC', 'Workflow Process Manager', 'Run Process', '"
ProcessName"', '"Account - New Order"', '"RowId"','[Id]'

Actions That You Can Use with the Named Method n User Property for Applets

Table 15 describes the actions that you can use with the Named Method n user property.

Table 15. Actions You Can Use with the Named Method n User Property
Method Type


Calls the method.

Business component


Saves the state and calls the method one time for each chosen record.


Saves the state, requeries, and then calls the method one time for each record.


Saves the state, requeries, and then calls the method.


Calls the method.

Business service


Saves the state and calls the method one time for each chosen record.


Saves the state, requeries, and then calls the method one time for each record.


Saves the state, requeries, and then calls the method.

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