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About Tuning Siebel Production Upgrade Files

Environments: Production test environment only. Does not apply to production environment.

Platforms: Windows and UNIX only.

The Upgrade Tuner allows you to tune the upgrade files generated by the Siebel Database Configuration Utilities. Tuning the production upgrep files can significantly reduce database downtime when performing a production environment upgrade.

Upgrade Tuner displays the following information and provides the following options:

  • Table creation times. You can place tables with long creation times in parallel threads.
  • Index creation times. You can assign index creation to run in parallel threads.
  • Zero-Row SQL commands. You can review and inactivate SQL statements that do not affect any table rows.

    The scripts used to upgrade your Siebel database are generic. They update your Siebel database to support all Siebel Business Applications functionality. You can use this option to eliminate SQL statements that are not needed for your applications.

Operating System and RDBMS Support

Upgrade Tuner supports parallel threads for table and index creation for the combinations of operating system and RDBMS show in Table 13.

Table 13. Upgrade Tuner Support for Parallel Table and Index Threads
Operating System
Oracle Database
Microsoft SQL Server









Upgrade Tuner is not supported for IBM z/OS. Upgrade Tuner supports zero-row SQL command deactivation for the combinations of operating system and RDBMS shown in Table 14.

Table 14. Upgrade Tuner Support for Zero-Row SQL Deactivation
Operating System
Oracle Database
Microsoft SQL Server










Not applicable


Not applicable

For information on which versions and releases of the operating systems and RDBMS products that Oracle supports for Siebel products, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.

Upgrade Tuner is part of the Siebel Server and runs only under Microsoft Windows. Upgrade Tuner does not run on UNIX. To tune UNIX production upgrade files, you must copy them to a Windows computer, tune them, and move them back to the UNIX computer. Scripts are provided to move the files.

If you are a UNIX customer and do not have a Siebel Server for Windows, then contact your account manager or Oracle Global Customer Support to obtain one.

When to Use Upgrade Tuner

Use Upgrade Tuner in the production test environment to tune the upgrade files that perform the production upgrep. There is no need to tune the upgrade files that perform the production upgphys. You also do not need to tune the upgrade files that perform the development environment upgrep or upgphys.

Upgrade Tuner Modes

When you start Upgrade Tuner it displays four tabs:

  • Process Information
  • Parallelize Table Creation
  • Parallelize Index Creation
  • Deactivate 0-Row SQLs
Process Information Tab

This page displays the information sources that Upgrade Tuner is using. These sources include the Logparse summary.xml file, the master .ucf file, and the driver .ucf file.

You cannot edit the information on this page. Upgrade Tuner obtains the information by reading the summary.xml file.

Parallelize Table Creation and Parallelize Index Creation Tabs

The Parallelize Table Creation page and the Parallelize Index Creation page both have the same layout. These pages allow you to do the following:

  • Parallelize Table Creation tab. This page displays the time required to create tables and allows you to assign table creation to parallel threads. Adding a table to a parallel thread does not add index creation for that table to the thread. Table and index creation are handled as separate steps during the upgrade.
  • Parallelize Index Creation tab. This page displays the time required to create table indexes and allows you to assign index creation to parallel threads.

    Creating parallel threads improves upgrade performance by reducing the total time to create tables and indexes. You can create up to nine parallel threads. Tables or indexes not assigned to a parallel thread remain in the serial thread.

    When you run the Upgrade Tuner, the Number of Threads parameter is automatically set, based on a log analysis, to the value effectively required to run the upgrade. In most cases this value is set at 4. This value, which can be changed in the master upgrep file, drives the maximum number of threads for each single Siebel upgrep task, such as ddlimp executions concurrently running for this process. When setting this value you must consider the system resources of the computer from which the upgrep phase was initiated. These changes must be tested on a copy of the Siebel production database environment, prior to rolling these out for the actual Siebel production upgrade downtime window.

Deactivate 0-Row SQLs

This page allows you to activate or deactivate the SQL statements that do not affect any table rows and therefore any data. This capability improves the upgrade performance by eliminating SQL statements that might not apply to your data. This page lists only the SQL files that are executed natively by the RDBMS. It does not list SQL files that are executed using odbcsql.

Files Required to Run Upgrade Tuner

Upgrade Tuner requires the following files. The location of the files is the same on both Windows and UNIX hosts. Table 15 displays these files.

Table 15. Files Required to Run Upgrade Tuner
Location on a Windows Host



For example, SIEBEL_ROOT\log\upgrep_prod_version\summary.xml



For example, SIEBEL_ROOT\bin\master_upgrep_prod_version.ucf



For example, DBSRVR_ROOT\Oracle\schema.ddl, schema_i1.ddl, schema_t1.ddl



For example, DBSRVR_ROOT\Oracle\upgrade\version\driver_upgrep_prod_version.ucf



For example, DBSRVR_ROOT\Oracle\upgrade\version\pret.sql, preschm.sql

How Upgrade Tuner Modifies Files

When you save your changes, Upgrade Tuner modifies the upgrade files. These are the files the Upgrade Wizard uses to upgrade the database. These files are as follows:

Driver Configuration File

When you add or remove parallel threads and save your changes, Upgrade Tuner modifies the driver configuration file, for example driver_upgrep_version.ucf. The driver configuration file is a text file that contains a series of steps. The steps specify the commands that control the production upgrep. When you run the Upgrade Wizard to upgrade your database, it executes the steps in the driver configuration file.

The following actions are examples of steps that can appear in the driver configuration file:

  • Making schema changes using the ddlimp utility and schema.ddl
  • Making schema and data changes by executing SQL scripts

Upgrade Tuner manages the driver configuration file as follows:

  • When you save your changes after the first session, Upgrade Tuner makes a copy of the file and appends .orig to the file name. It then modifies the file. For example, Upgrade Tuner copies driver_upgrep_version.ucf to driver_upgrep_version.ucf.orig. It then makes changes to driver_upgrep_version.ucf.
  • When you save your changes after the second session, Upgrade Tuner makes a copy of the file and appends .old to the file name. It then modifies the driver file. For example, Upgrade Tuner copies driver_upgrep_version.ucf to driver_upgrep_version.ucf.old. It then makes changes to driver_upgrep_version.ucf.
  • When you save your changes after the third session and all following sessions, Upgrade Tuner saves the driver file to .old again and then updates the driver file.

This file management strategy preserves the previous set of revisions to the file. It also preserves the original version of the file.

Schema.ddl File

When you run the Upgrade Wizard after the production upgrep it reads the driver file. The driver file contains steps that call the ddlimp utility. This utility uses schema.ddl as input to upgrade your database schema.

In the Parallelize Table Creation and Parallelize Index Creation pages, Upgrade Tuner displays the creation times for the tables and indexes in the schema.ddl file.

When you create parallel threads, Upgrade Tuner creates thread-files that have the same format as schema.ddl but contain only the table or index creation steps in the thread. Upgrade Tuner then adds steps to the driver file. These steps call the ddlimp utility, and specify the thread-files as input.

Upgrade Tuner manages schema.ddl and thread-files as follows:

  • When you create a new thread and click Save and Exit, Upgrade Tuner creates a schema.ddl thread-file for the new thread.

    For example, you do not have any parallel threads, and then create two new threads for table creation. When you exit, Upgrade Tuner creates a schema_t1.ddl and a schema_t2.ddl file. Upgrade Tuner also inserts steps in the driver file to execute the thread-files.

    The t1 thread-file contains the table creation information for the tables in Parallel Thread 1. Parallel thread 2 information is contained in the t2 thread-file, and so on.

  • When you create new threads in the Parallelize Index Creation page, the thread-files are named i1, i2, and so on. For example, the information for Parallel Thread 1 for index creation is contained in schema_i1.ddl.
  • If you run Upgrade Tuner and change the tables or indexes assigned to a thread, then Upgrade Tuner updates the thread-file for that thread. Upgrade Tuner does not create .orig or .old files for thread-files. Also, Upgrade Tuner does not change the step that executes the thread-file in the driver file.
  • Upgrade Tuner does not revise the content of the main schema.ddl file (the serial thread) when you create thread-files. The thread-files duplicate the content in schema.ddl.

In the driver file, the order of execution of steps for schema.ddl and the thread-files is as follows:

  • Table thread files beginning with file t1 (ddlimp in table creation mode)
  • schema.ddl (ddlimp in table creation mode)
  • Index thread files beginning with i1 (ddlimp in index creation mode)
  • schema.ddl in index creation mode (ddlimp in index creation mode)

For both table and index creation, the parallel threads are executed first followed by the serial thread (schema.ddl).

TIP:   To locate thread-file steps in the file driver_upgrep_prod_version.ucf, query for "schema_".

SQL Files

When you make changes in the Deactivate 0-Row SQLs page, Upgrade Tuner makes changes to the SQL file containing the SQL command. Because the SQL file is already a step in the driver file, Upgrade Tuner does not modify the driver file.

Upgrade Tuner manages the SQL files as follows:

  • When you first change an SQL file, Upgrade Tuner saves a copy of the SQL file and appends .orig to its file name. Upgrade Tuner then updates the SQL file.
  • The next time you change the SQL file in Upgrade Tuner, it saves a copy of the SQL file and appends .old to the file name. Upgrade Tuner then updates the SQL file.
  • Thereafter, when you modify the SQL file, Upgrade Tuner saves the SQL file to .old again and then updates the SQL file.

This file management strategy preserves the previous set of revisions to the file. It also preserves the original version of the file.

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