Using Siebel Tools > Archiving Objects > Using the Application Deployment Manager >

Using the Command Line to Export Objects to a Hotfix

This topic describes different ways to use the command line to export objects to a hotfix.

Sending All of the Arguments in the Command Line for a Hotfix

This topic describes how to send all of the arguments in the command line.

To send all of the arguments in the command line for a hotfix

  • Open a command line, and then navigate to the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN folder.

    You use the following command for the consoleapp executable to access the command line. You cannot include a space before or after a comma:

    consoleapp SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN\ENU\config_file.cfg language username password "BusinessServiceName" "MethodName:argument_list"

    For example:

    consoleapp "C:\Siebel\8.x\Tools\BIN\ENU\tools.cfg" ENU SADMIN SADMIN "Siebel Tools Export Support for ADM" "Export:Repository=Siebel Repository, LogFile=C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\ADM\admtest\admtest.log, ExportFile=C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\ADM\admtest\admtest.sif, DescriptorFile=C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\ADM\admtest\admtest_desc.xml,Object_1=Account List Applet,Type_1=Applet,ExportCount=1"

Sending Some of the Arguments in an XML File for a Hotfix

The command you use to send some of the arguments in an XML file is similar to the command you use in Sending All of the Arguments in the Command Line for a Hotfix, but instead of naming the business service and the method name, and including a list of arguments, you use the /f switch and provide an XML file that includes the business service name and parameters for the business service methods.

To send some of the arguments in the command line for a Hotfix

  1. Open a command line, and then navigate to the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN folder.
  2. Enter the following command. You cannot include a space before or after a comma:

    consoleapp <SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN\ENU\config_file.cfg language username password /f export_argument_file.xml


    • export_argument_file.xml includes the following code:

    <BusinessService Name="Siebel Tools Export Support for ADM" Method="Export">
    <Param Name="Repository" Value="Siebel Repository"/>
    <Param Name="LogFile" Value="C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\ADM\admtest2\admtest2.log"/>
    <Param Name="ExportFile" Value="C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\ADM\admtest2\admtest2.sif"/>
    <Param Name="DescriptorFile"
    <Param Name="ExportCount" Value="3"/>
    <Object Name="Account List Applet" Type="Applet"/>
    <Object Name="Account" Type="Business Component"/>
    <Object Name="Contact" Type="Business Component"/>

    For example:

    consoleapp "C:\Siebel\8.x\Tools\BIN\ENU\tools.cfg" ENU SADMIN SADMIN /f "C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\ADM\admtest2\exportargs.xml"

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