Siebel Email Administration Guide > Managing Email, Fax, and Other Communications Products > Process of Configuring Third-Party Email Integrations >

Parameters for Email Client

Table 20 describes the parameters to specify settings applicable to your client-side email integration. You set these parameters either as server component parameters or as parameters in the [EMail] section of the configuration file, depending on your Siebel client type. For more information about user preferences, see Preference Settings for Outbound Communications.

Table 20. Email Client Parameters
Component Parameter for Application Object Manager
Parameter in [EMail] Section of Configuration File

Default Email Client


The default email client. Set this parameter to one of the following values:

  • Siebel Mail Client
  • Lotus Notes
  • Microsoft Outlook

The default value is Siebel Mail Client. If the value is Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook, then you must use other parameters to specify the name of the applicable email form.

This parameter corresponds to the Outbound Communications user preference of Email Client. The parameter setting is in effect unless this user preference overrides it.

Email Client Debug Level


The level of debugging information to log when you use Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook for Send Email.

Set this parameter to one of the following values:

  • 0. No logging occurs for the email client.
  • 1. Logging occurs for ActiveX and JavaScript (Siebel eScript) associated with the email client. Debugging information is logged to the siebelmail.log file on each user's desktop.

The siebelmail.log file tracks the execution of scripts associated with the Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook form.

When this parameter is 1, email client debugging information is logged as follows:

  • For Microsoft Outlook, the siebelmail.log file is overwritten for each new email message that is sent. Additional debugging data appears as messages in the user's email mail, with a subject line in the form SiebelDebugLog_activity_ID.
  • For Lotus Notes, additional debugging data is logged to the SiebelEmaildbg.log file on in the Lotus Notes directory.

NOTE:  For a development or test environment, set this parameter to 1. For a production environment, set it to 0.

Email Temporary Attachment Location


The name of the directory to use to temporarily store email attachments. Specify the name in the following general form (on one line):


where clientpath identifies the server computer and path to the attachments directory as accessed from client computers, and serverpath identifies the same directory as accessed from the server. Note the following examples:

  • If the server computer runs Microsoft Windows, then the two elements you define must be identical. For example:


  • If the server computer runs on a supported UNIX platform, then the left element represents how Windows clients access the directory, and the right element represents the path on the UNIX server computer. For example:


  • For Siebel Mobile Web Client deployments on Microsoft Windows platforms, a local attachments directory is required if users run the Siebel application when disconnected from the network. The two elements you define must be identical. For example:


For more information, see Creating and Configuring the Attachments Directory.

Siebel/Lotus Form


The name of the email form to use as a global default when Lotus Notes is the email client. Typically, set this parameter to Siebel Memo.

This parameter corresponds to the Outbound Communications user preference of Siebel/Lotus Form. The parameter setting is in effect unless this user preference overrides it. For more information, see topics applicable to Lotus Notes and About Installing Siebel Email Form.

NOTE:  This parameter is not available in Siebel Open UI.

Siebel/Outlook Form


The name of the email form to use as a global default when Microsoft Outlook is the email client. Typically, set this parameter to IPM.Note.Siebel.

This parameter corresponds to the Outbound Communications user preference of Siebel/Outlook Form. The parameter setting is in effect unless this user preferences overrides it. For more information, see topics applicable to Microsoft Outlook and About Installing Siebel Email Form.

NOTE:  This parameter is not available in Siebel Open UI.

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