Siebel Email Administration Guide > Configuring Communications Drivers and Profiles for Email > How Communications Drivers Process Email Messages >

Output Parameter Values for Communications Drivers

During email processing, the Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver or Internet SMTP/IMAP Server driver passes output parameter values to the Communications Inbound Receiver and Communications Inbound Processor server components. From these server components, these values are passed to the Siebel Email Response workflows in the form of properties for the EventFields property set. Table 5 provides a list of the output parameter values and a description of how you can modify email handling behavior by accessing these values in the EventFields property set.

Table 5. Output Parameters for Communications Drivers
Parameter Name


The number of nonsupplemental attachments that are found. The default value is 0.


The value of the CC: header field. This parameter must be semicolon delimited if it includes multiple recipients.


This parameter uses the RFC1894 protocol. For more information, see:


This parameter uses the RFC1894 protocol. For more information, see:


This parameter uses the RFC1894 protocol. For more information, see:


This parameter uses the RFC1894 protocol. For more information, see:


This parameter uses the RFC1894 protocol. For more information, see:


The character set of the attachment file.


If an incoming attachment file does not have an associated name, then the attachment file is considered inline. The user interface displays the attachment in the rich edit control and not in the attachment pane.


If the incoming attachment file is a supplemental file that the driver creates, such as the original message.txt file, then this parameter is True. Otherwise this parameter is False.


The name of the attachment file. You can specify this parameter in the MIME type or as synthesized by using the type and subtype of the attachment.


The physical location of the attachment file on the local hard disk. If the response group that loads the driver does not process email in real time, then this parameter is the location of the file on the Siebel File System.


The MIME subtype of the attachment file.


The MIME type of the attachment file.


This parameter is True if the number of attachments is greater than or equal to 1.


This parameter is set if the incoming email text is HTML only or is multipart or alternative with HTML.


The value of the In-Reply-To: header field. This parameter uses the RFC2822 protocol. For more information, see:


If the incoming email is a delivery status notification as specified by the RFC1894 protocol, then this parameter is True. Otherwise, this parameter is False. For more information, see:


The value of the Keywords: header field. This parameter uses the RFC2822 protocol. For more information, see:


This parameter facilitates moving generated local files to the Siebel File System. For more information, see About Moving Generated Local Files to Siebel File System.


This parameter facilitates moving generated local files to the Siebel File System. For more information, see About Moving Generated Local Files to Siebel File System.


The value of the Message-ID: header field. This value is also used as the DriverTrackingID for the Siebel Communications API. For more information, see:


This parameter is obsolete.


If the response group that loads the driver does not process email in real time, then this parameter is the location on file on the Siebel File System. The incoming MIME type is saved in this local file.


For a forwarded message, this parameter is Fwd or Fw. For a message that is in reply to another message, this parameter is Re. Otherwise, this parameter is empty.


This parameter is a number from 1 to 5 with 1 designating the highest priority and 5 designating the lowest priority. The default value is 3. This parameter is extracted from the X-Priority or the X-MSMail-Priority if available.


The date that the email is retrieved from the POP3 or IMAP server.


The email address that is extracted from the From Address communications profile input parameter. For example, the ReceiverAddress for Example Support <> is


The proper name that is extracted from the From Address communications profile input parameter. If there is no proper name, then this parameter is set to the ReceiverAddress parameter. For example, the ReceiverName for Example Support <> is Example Support.


The value of the References: header field. This parameter uses the RFC2822 protocol. For more information, see:


The email address that is extracted from the From: header field. For example, the SenderAddress for John Smith <> is


This parameter is always empty. The workflows do not use this parameter.


The proper name that is extracted from the From: header field. If there is no proper name, then this parameter is set to the SenderAddress parameter. For example, the SenderName for John Smith <> is John Smith.


If the Reply-To: header field has a value, then this parameter is that value delimited by semicolons rather than commas. If Reply-To: has no value, then this parameter is the same value as the SenderAddress parameter.


The date from the Date: header field.


Media Manager generates this parameter.


Media Manager generates this parameter.


Media Manager generates this parameter.


Media Manager generates this parameter.


Media Manager generates this parameter.


The value of the Subject: header field.


If this parameter is True, then the person who accesses the file must assume ownership of the disk-based file, and in most cases the workflow that processes the incoming message must delete the file after it is stored in the Siebel File System.

text/html charset

The IANA character set of the HTMLBody parameter. This parameter is the value of the charset parameter of the Content-Type: header field.

text/plain charset

The IANA character set of the TextNote parameter. This parameter is the value of the charset parameter of the Content-Type: header field.


The text/plain message body text of the incoming message.


The value of the To: header field. This parameter must be semicolon delimited if it includes multiple recipients.

About Moving Generated Local Files to Siebel File System

This topic describes how to direct Communications Inbound Receiver to move driver-generated local files to the Siebel File System. The processing of driver events can occur on a remote Communications Inbound Processor server only if you set the RealTime input parameter for the response group to False and nonreal-time processing applies.

To enable workflows executing on a remote Communications Inbound Processor server to access driver-generated local files, Communications Inbound Receiver monitors EventFields with the following code:



XXX must start at 0 and increase contiguously.

FiletoReplace is the file that is moved to the Siebel File System.

This code is the key to a tag-value pair with FiletoReplace replaced with the actual Siebel File System file name that is generated when the file is moved to the Siebel File System.

For example, the driver generates the following EventFields:



In this example, the local file C:\OriginalMsgFile.txt is moved to the Siebel File System. If this file receives the name ABCDEFG on the Siebel File System, then the EventFields is modified as follows before submitted to the workflow for processing:


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