Siebel eSales Administration Guide > Shopping Service Methods Reference > Siebel eSales User Action Methods >

OrderTemplate Method

OrderTemplate copies all the line items from a template to the Shopping Cart. The behavior is similar to AddToCart; the difference is that when you order a template, you add several line items to the Shopping Cart. Each line item will have the quantity specified in the template.

A template is a quote of type Template, so template records are a subset of quote records. Templates have a similar structure to quotes—there is a 1:1 mapping between template and quote business components:

  • Quote Template to Quote
  • Quote Template Item to Quote Item
  • Quote Template Item XA to Quote Item XA

Preconditions for Calling the OrderTemplate Method

OrderTemplate uses field maps defined in the Shopping Service business service user properties to copy field values from Quote Template Item to Quote Item and from Quote Template Item XA to Quote Item XA. The field maps are shown in Table 25 and Table 26.

Table 25. Quote Template Item to Quote Item Field Map

Quote Template Item|Quote Item FieldMap 100

Product Id|Product Id

Quote Template Item|Quote Item FieldMap 101

Quantity Requested|Quantity Requested

Quote Template Item|Quote Item FieldMap 102

Adjusted Reference Price|Adjusted Reference Price

Quote Template Item|Quote Item FieldMap 103

Base Price|Base Price

Quote Template Item|Quote Item FieldMap 104

Unit Price|Unit Price

Quote Template Item|Quote Item FieldMap 105


Quote Template Item|Quote Item FieldMap 106

Product Port Id|Product Port Id

Quote Template Item|Quote Item FieldMap 107


Table 26. Quote Template Item XA to Quote Item XA Field Map

Quote Template Item XA|Quote Item XA FieldMap 100

Attribute Id|Attribute Id

Quote Template Item XA|Quote Item XA FieldMap 101


Quote Template Item XA|Quote Item XA FieldMap 102

Display Name|Display Name

Quote Template Item XA|Quote Item XA FieldMap 103

Read Only|Read Only

Quote Template Item XA|Quote Item XA FieldMap 104

Data Type|Data Type

Quote Template Item XA|Quote Item XA FieldMap 105

LOV Type|LOV Type

Quote Template Item XA|Quote Item XA FieldMap 106


Quote Template Item XA|Quote Item XA FieldMap 107


Arguments for the OrderTemplate Method

The OrderTemplate method has the arguments shown in Table 27.

Table 27. OrderTemplate Arguments
Data Type

Template Id




Not used, as OrderTemplate is always row-sensitive.





Returns Success or Fail depending on whether AddItem succeeds or not.

Pseudo-Algorithm for OrderTemplate

  1. Get the Quote Template, Quote Template Item, Quote Template Item XA, Quote, Quote Item, and Quote Item XA business components.

    The Quote Template business component is already positioned on the correct record, as the OrderTemplate method is row-sensitive.

  2. Call the AddHeader method to make sure there is a Shopping Cart.
  3. Loop through each record in the Quote Template Item business component and create a corresponding record in the Quote Item business component. Use the field maps to copy fields from Quote Template Item to Quote Item, then copy the child records from Quote Template Item XA to Quote Item XA.

    NOTE:  As Quote Item and Quote Template Item have hierarchies, you cannot simply loop through the records in Quote Template Item and copy them to Quote Item. You need to maintain the hierarchical relationship. To do this, you need to copy the parent record before you copy its child records.

    In the Shopping Service implementation, records are first loaded from Quote Template Item and a tree in the memory is generated. The tree is then traversed from the root, so the parent record is copied before the child records.

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