Siebel eScript Language Reference > Methods Reference > String Methods >

Replace String Method

The Replace String method uses the regular expression that you define in the pattern argument to search a string. If it finds a match, then it replaces the string it finds with the string that you define in the replexp argument.

If you use T eScript code, and if this method replaces a string, then it sets the appropriate static properties for the regular expression object. These properties provide more information about the replacements. For more information, see Using the Get Regular Expression from String Method with the T eScript Engine.


stringVar.replace(pattern, replexp)

Table 40 describes the arguments for the Replace String method.

Table 40. Arguments for the Replace String Method


Regular expression that this method finds in a string.


A replacement expression that can include one of the following items:

  • String
  • String that includes regular expression elements
  • Function
Special Characters You Can Use in a Replacement Expression

Table 41 describes the special characters that you can use in a replacement expression.

Table 41. Special Characters You Can Use in a Replacement Expression

$1, $2 ... $9

The text that the regular expression matches. This text resides in a set of parentheses in the string. For example, $1 replaces the text that the Replace String method matches in the first regular expression it encounters that resides in a set of parentheses.


Same as the $1, $2 ... $9 characters, except with the $+ character the replacement occurs in the regular expression that resides in the last set of parentheses.


The text that a regular expression matches.


The text to the left of the text that a regular expression matches.


The text to the right of the text that a regular expression matches.


The dollar sign character.


The following example includes the Replace String method:

var rtn;
var str = "one two three two one";
var pat = /(two)/g;

// rtn == "one zzz three zzz one"
rtn = str.replace(pat, "zzz");

// rtn == "one twozzz three twozzz one";
rtn = str.replace(pat, "$1zzz");

// rtn == "one 5 three 5 one"
rtn = str.replace(pat, five());

// rtn == "one twotwo three twotwo one";
rtn = str.replace(pat, "$&$&");

function five() {
   return 5;


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