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Get Cursor Position Value From Buffer Method

The Get Cursor Position Value From Buffer method returns the value that a position contains from a buffer. This position is the position where the cursor currently resides. To determine where to read from the buffer, you can use the Cursor property. For more information, see Cursor Position in Buffer Property.


bufferVar.getValue([valueSize][, valueType ])

Table 54 describes the arguments for the Get Cursor Position Value From Buffer method.

Table 54. Arguments for the Get Cursor Position Value From Buffer Method


A positive number that describes the number of bytes that the this method reads. You can use any of the following values:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 8
  • 10

The default value is 1.

These values must not conflict with any values you use with the valueType argument. For more information, see Values You Can Use with the ValueSize and ValueType Arguments.


The type of data that the this method reads. You can use one of the following values:

  • Signed
  • Unsigned
  • Float

Signed is the default value.

Values You Can Use with the ValueSize and ValueType Arguments

Table 55 describes the value combinations you can use with the valueSize argument and the valueType argument. The values of the valueSize argument and the valueType argument must match the structure of the data that the Get Cursor Position Value From Buffer method reads. Any other combination causes an error.

Table 55. Value Combinations You Can Use with Arguments of the Get Cursor Position Value From Buffer Method
Value in the valueSize Argument
Value in the valueType Argument


signed, unsigned


signed, unsigned


signed, unsigned


signed, unsigned, float



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