E Oracle Database Appliance Cleanup Script

Use the cleanup deploy script tool to perform clean up tasks.

Use the Oracle Database Appliance cleanup deploy script, cleanup.pl for the following activities:

  • Uninstall Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR)

  • Uninstall Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA)

  • Delete Oracle Database Console (dbconsole) files

  • Uninstall GI and Oracle stack

  • Reset the Oracle Linux udev rules

  • Delete Oracle Linux udev rules

  • Delete users and groups that were created when the appliance was created. For default users and groups, use the DROP USER statement. If you used a custom user name and group name when you deployed the appliance, use -griduser, -dbuser, -groups arguments to pass to the cleanup.pl script.


perl cleanup.pl [-griduser grid_user] [-dbuser db_user] [-groups comma separated list of groups] 


Parameter Description

-griduser grid_user

Defines the grid user name. The default user is grid.

-dbuser db_user

Defines the database user name. The default user is oracle.

-groups comma separated list of groups

Lists the groups in a comma separated list. The default groups are oinstall,dba,asmadmin,asmoper,asmdba.


When the grid_user and db_user are the same (roleSeparation=false), you must still run the script for each user.

As part of the cleanup script, any disabled CPU cores are reset and all of the cores are re-enabled.

Example E-1 Cleanup Script to Delete the Grid and Database Users

Run the following command to delete the grid user and database user when both are named oracle:

# cleanup.pl -griduser oracle -dbuser oracle