D Example JSON Files for the odacli create-appliance Command

Use these JSON file examples and the readme to create a JSON file that you can use to create the appliance with the command-line interface.

You must create a JSON file to use the odacli create-appliance command. You can use the example JSON files that are located here and the information located in the readme as a template to create a file for your environment. The examples on this page and the readme are also located in the /opt/oracle/dcs/sample directory.


It is important to review the readme and the examples carefully before creating your JSON file. If you do not enter your network and Oracle ILOM information correctly based on your setup, then network access is lost to both the host and Oracle ILOM.

Example D-1 JSON File to Create an Oracle Database Appliance X6-2 with Role Separation

The following is an example of a JSON file that creates an Oracle Database Appliance X6-2S, X6-2M, or X6-2L. The example uses role separation.

$ cat create-appliance.json
  "instance" : {
    "name" : "odambox",
    "instanceBaseName" : "odambox",
    "dbEdition" : "EE",
    "timeZone" : "UTC",
    "ntpServers" : [""],
    "dnsServers" : ["","",""],
    "domainName" : "example.com",
    "isRoleSeparated" : true,
    "osUserGroup" : {
      "groups" : [ {
        "groupId" : 1001,
        "groupName" : "oinstall",
        "groupRole" : "oinstall"
      }, {
        "groupId" : 1002,
        "groupName" : "dbaoper",
        "groupRole" : "dbaoper"
      }, {
        "groupId" : 1003,
        "groupName" : "dba",
        "groupRole" : "dba"
      }, {
        "groupId" : 1004,
        "groupName" : "asmadmin",
        "groupRole" : "asmadmin"
      }, {
        "groupId" : 1005,
        "groupName" : "asmoper",
        "groupRole" : "asmoper"
      }, {
        "groupId" : 1006,
        "groupName" : "asmdba",
        "groupRole" : "asmdba"
      } ],
      "users" : [ {
        "userId" : 1000,
        "userName" : "oracle",
        "userRole" : "oracleUser"
      }, {
        "userId" : 1001,
        "userName" : "grid",
        "userRole" : "gridUser"
      } ]
  "nodes" : [ {
    "nodeNumber" : "0",
    "nodeName" : "odambox",
    "network" : [ {
       "nicName" : "btbond1",
       "ipAddress" : "",
       "subNetMask" : "",
       "gateway" : "",
       "networkType" : [ "Public" ],
       "isDefaultNetwork" : true
       "nicName" : "btbond2",
       "ipAddress" : "",
       "subNetMask" : "",
       "gateway" : "",
       "networkType" : [ "Backup" ],
       "isDefaultNetwork" : false
    "ilom" : {
  } ],
  "grid" : {
    "diskGroup" : [ {
      "diskGroupName" : "DATA",
      "redundancy" : "NORMAL",
      "diskPercentage" :70
    }, {
      "diskGroupName" : "RECO",
      "redundancy" : "NORMAL",
      "diskPercentage" :30
    } ],
    "language" : "en"
  "database" : {
    "dbName" : "db1",
    "dbVersion" : "",
    "instanceOnly" : false,
    "isCdb" : true,
    "pdBName" : "pdb1",
    "pdbAdminuserName" : "pdbuser",
    "adminPassword" : "welcome1",
    "dbType" : "SI",
    "dbTargetNodeNumber" : "0",
    "dbClass" : "OLTP",
    "dbShape" : "odb1",
    "dbStorage" : "ACFS",
    "dbCharacterSet" : {
      "characterSet" : "AL32UTF8",
      "nlsCharacterset" : "AL16UTF16",
      "dbTerritory" : "AMERICA",
      "dbLanguage" : "AMERICAN"
    "dbConsoleEnable" : false
  "asr" :{

Example D-2 JSON File to Create an Oracle Database Appliance X6-2 without Role Separation

The following is an example of a JSON file that creates an Oracle Database Appliance X6-2S, X6-2M, or X6-2L without using role separation. This example creates two groups (oinstall and dba) and one user ("oracle").

$ cat create-appliance.json
  "instance" : {
    "name" : "odambox",
    "instanceBaseName" : "odambox",
    "dbEdition" : "EE",
    "timeZone" : "UTC",
    "ntpServers" : [""],
    "dnsServers" : ["","",""],
    "domainName" : "example.com",
    "isRoleSeparated" : false,
    "osUserGroup" : {
      "groups" : [ {
        "groupId" : 1001,
        "groupName" : "oinstall",
        "groupRole" : "oinstall"
      }, {
        "groupId" : 1002,
        "groupName" : "dba",
        "groupRole" : "dba"
      } ],
     "users" : [ {
        "userId" : 1000,
        "userName" : "oracle",
        "userRole" : "oracleUser"
      } ]
  "nodes" : [ {
    "nodeNumber" : "0",
    "nodeName" : "odambox",
    "network" : [ {
       "nicName" : "btbond1",
       "ipAddress" : "",
       "subNetMask" : "",
       "gateway" : "",
       "networkType" : [ "Public" ],
       "isDefaultNetwork" : true
       "nicName" : "btbond2",
       "ipAddress" : "",
       "subNetMask" : "",
       "gateway" : "",
       "networkType" : [ "Backup" ],
       "isDefaultNetwork" : false
    "ilom" : {
  } ],
  "grid" : {
    "diskGroup" : [ {
      "diskGroupName" : "DATA",
      "redundancy" : "NORMAL",
      "diskPercentage" :70
    }, {
      "diskGroupName" : "RECO",
      "redundancy" : "NORMAL",
      "diskPercentage" :30
    } ],
    "language" : "en"
  "database" : {
    "dbName" : "db1",
    "dbVersion" : "",
    "instanceOnly" : false,
    "isCdb" : true,
    "pdBName" : "pdb1",
    "pdbAdminuserName" : "pdbuser",
    "adminPassword" : "welcome1",
    "dbType" : "SI",
    "dbTargetNodeNumber" : "0",
    "dbClass" : "OLTP",
    "dbShape" : "odb1",
    "dbStorage" : "ACFS",
    "dbCharacterSet" : {
      "characterSet" : "AL32UTF8",
      "nlsCharacterset" : "AL16UTF16",
      "dbTerritory" : "AMERICA",
      "dbLanguage" : "AMERICAN"
    "dbConsoleEnable" : false
  "asr" :{